Who has the dirtiest explorer!!?? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who has the dirtiest explorer!!??

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Did this first week I got my Explorer and she hasn't been quiet in the suspension and brakes since, always creaking and whining like an old woman.


And a different kind of dirty...
(It left no dents and was all in good fun, 70 mph freeway battles can be a little scary though. And don't worry, I didn't have to clean that up, the perpetrator did)

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my most recent mudding experience. I had to travel the next day so all I have is night pics


side (duh)


Here's mine from the 4th of July this year.

Where the damage was done!

Pics of what I was stuck in. I knew I wouldn't make it through it, but oh well!





That's it, I promise! haha

A week after I got my second Explorer, with no tread stock tires before I got 32's.
Pulled through like a champ like always.

I nominate mine FTW!:D:D:D:thumbsup::thumbsup:

I nominate mine FTW!:D:D:D:thumbsup::thumbsup:

hahahaha, well, then I'll jokingly plead my case and say that I have more dirt on mine, in bigger chunks rather than a thin coverage. hahaha dirtiest was never defined.....

hahahaha, well, then I'll jokingly plead my case and say that I have more dirt on mine, in bigger chunks rather than a thin coverage. hahaha dirtiest was never defined.....

Well, you can see less paint on mine so......I win! haha

My old 98 Sport............hopefully get some of the EB this spring. :D




My old 98 Sport............hopefully get some of the EB this spring. :D



Are those chevy tow hooks? They look like the ones on suburbans and tahoes?
If so, how hard were they to install? Did you have to drill anyholes. And if they aren't, then what are they?

They are Chevy hooks. Listed as off the Silverado. $29.95 for the set at the Stealership. I had to mod the front bumper brakets to move the bumper up. Also had to drill holes in the frame and make some spacers to lower the hooks. All said took about 4 hours to do the work. And I have had the opportunity to use them extensively. Solid. Pulled out my buddies Yukon, broke the hitch pin and the srtap, hooks held tight. :D

Great buy for $30. Going to see about moving them over to my 05.

I had to mod the front bumper brakets to move the bumper up. Also had to drill holes in the frame and make some spacers to lower the hooks. All said took about 4 hours to do the work.

Sounds like a butt load of work just for tow hooks!

The best I could find...I think. :scratch:

No ####in way... you're the First I've seen with my exact [current] light setup... the two fogs in the grill..

I wish I had taken a picture of my X at the dirtiest... but.. no go..

That's totally not an ex! haha


Sounds like a butt load of work just for tow hooks!

It would have been the same amount of work for F-150 hooks as well. Only they are $80- EACH. It was time well spent with the guys, had a few beers and hung out. Plus, having a solid front tow point is priceless and has saved my a$$ countless times.

28's son. what chu know bout that? lol


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