Opinions Please..... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Opinions Please.....


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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City, State
San Diego, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 XLT
Out of the wheels below which do you fellas prefer? I wanted to do it as a poll, but i think you have to be Elite. And if any of you have any of these please post a pic. No chrome, and no Cragers, so please don't push them on me!!!

pro-comp 7005's

pro-comp 7089's

XD Series 795 Hoss'

American Racing Mojave's


So let me know guys

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Youre not allowed to do the AR Mojaves in black because thats what Im going to get this summer.

Youre not allowed to do the AR Mojaves in black because thats what Im going to get this summer.

hahahaha!!! You're in New York and im in San Diego, so we shouldn't run into each other on the road. hahaha :chug:

My vote, AR Mojave's.

DAMN!!!! I thought I was going to be real slick and be the first one to pop up with a set of them on a 3rd Gen. So much for that... Sucks to be a poor college kid.

DAMN!!!! I thought I was going to be real slick and be the first one to pop up with a set of them on a 3rd Gen. So much for that... Sucks to be a poor college kid.

i hear ya man, im 20, i took this year off (08-09) just have fun and travel and fix the car. so far i did travel, next is the car ;)

pro-comp 7005's

pro-comp 7005's

I like the 7089's and the Mojaves

my vote goes for XD Series 795 Hoss'

XD Series 795 Hoss'

what size rim and tire?

i vote...

1. XD's

2. pro comp 7005's

I like them all; but the Hoss's would look great, IMO.


i've narrowed it down to the XD and American racing, only thing is, according to a seller on ebay, the 16x8" in 4.5" bolt pattern American racing wheels are on nationwide back order :mad:, he said theyre expecting them at the end of March or early April. so depending on my decision i might wait till then. i did both on the virtual tire program from tirefactory.com but still cant make up my mind! we'll see what happends

You don't like these?

ATX Fuel Teflon? If not, they make for good looking spares!


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i did both on the virtual tire program from tirefactory.com but still cant make up my mind! we'll see what happends

Isn't that program sweet? My parents own one of the stores up here in Oregon and I use that program all of the time. I've even done a few runs for people on here so they could see what theirs would look like.

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Isn't that program sweet? My parents own one of the stores up here in Oregon and I use that program all of the time. I've even done a few runs for people on here so they could see what theirs would look like.

oh yea i love it! cause you can even put different tires and lift/lower it
