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How big


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June 2, 2008
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91 xlt
What is the max tire you can go on a stock front axle, no locker, light weeling, and is there and alloy front axle shaft aptions!

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I'm not looking for lift to tire size, I have wheeled 35s all year and i'm planning 38's for the next year, has anyone done this on a stock D35 and is there an alloy option. Thanks!

...If you take the time, you may find the answers where I suggested...;)

give me a clue what to ask, not working for me!

thats a cool post, but it dosn't tell me anything about my D35! (38"TIRES AND ALLOY AXLES)

light wheeling + 38" rubber = giant waste of money.

Why bother stuffing 38's under your Ex for "light wheeling"? If you push it, the D35 is gonna snap. That and lifting a TTB enough to fit 38's is not a great idea in the first place. Your gonna break it.

Seriously, there is like a billion posts on this subject... searching is not that hard.

General conscensious is that anything larger then 35" on a dana 35 is going to break. I broken a ujoint and shaft last month wheelin 33's -- and I have a light foot.

With the #37780 Jeep hubs and Spicer 5-760X u-joints, the D35 should be fine with "light" wheeling on 38s, but like was already said, the amount of lift needed to get tires that size under there presents it's own set of issues (unless you're willing to do some major fender cutting, along with adding a bodylift).

Of course everyone's definition of "light wheeling" is different, so I could be wrong here.

With the #37780 Jeep hubs and Spicer 5-760X u-joints, the D35 should be fine with "light" wheeling on 38s, but like was already said, the amount of lift needed to get tires that size under there presents it's own set of issues (unless you're willing to do some major fender cutting, along with adding a bodylift).

Of course everyone's definition of "light wheeling" is different, so I could be wrong here.

thanks for the reply! I did plan on the upgrades to the hubs and joint this winter anyways, and custom fenders are in the works as we speak no mater if I stick with 35s or not. I was wanted to know if anyone had done it!
I still haven't been able to find anything on alloy axle shafts for the front?

thanks for the reply! I did plan on the upgrades to the hubs and joint this winter anyways, and custom fenders are in the works as we speak no mater if I stick with 35s or not. I was wanted to know if anyone had done it!
I still haven't been able to find anything on alloy axle shafts for the front?

some one ran 38.5x15 boggers up front on a stock d35. he did some hard wheeling too i believe, bunch of mud puddles. Im pretty sure his held up great. Just a matter of luck I guess. search for it

some one ran 38.5x15 boggers up front on a stock d35. he did some hard wheeling too i believe, bunch of mud puddles. Im pretty sure his held up great. Just a matter of luck I guess. search for it
I'm not sure most would consider mud puddles "hard" wheeling ;)


38s on stock front end

It looks will break if you are not gentle on it. As mentioned in the link, RangerX wheels 37s on his truck and drives it to the runs and back.

I'd be most worried about wheel bearings and nuts getting loose on that heavy tire.

There are no alloy shafts available for our axle without ordering something custom.

For the price of junkyard stuff, I'd just carry a couple spares and make sure you have the c-clip eliminator to make it easy to change them out as well as some spare hubs.

I run 35s, jump my truck and run it with my foot pegged to the floor on whoops and haven't had one u-joint or hub blow on me. I credit that to the open diff on the front, EZ locker in my old Dana35 broke pretty much every moving part on that axle + the diff cracked wide open on the passenger side right at the bearing.

By the sounds of it I should stay with the 35s maybe do an assie or two and just have fun!. Here is a pic of some snow wheelin about a month ago!


Like Dan said, I've been wheeling with 37s for a few years now, and aside from a locker and 4.56 gears, it's an otherwise bone stock D35.
A few years ago, I drove it from SoCal to the Rubicon, wheeled the Rubicon, and drove home with no axle breakage.
All together over the years, I have broken one axleshaft and 2 or 3 hubs, but that doesn't seem much different from guys who run 33s or 35s.
I say go for it, if that's what you want. If you drive it smart, it'll be alright.
