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Ford's new 5.0


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December 29, 2009
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Dallas, TX
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2000 XLT
So... think it'll fit in a 4WD 2000 Explorer? My 4.0 is locked and I'm in the market. I don't care what anyone thinks, I'm not scrapping it.

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Not sure what new 5.0 you're thinking of, your best bet for a 5.0 swap is to find a rolled ex that came with the 5.0 take it home and sit it by your current truck and swap the motor, trans, computer, wiring harness, t-case, GEM and all that over to yours.

Oh and Welcome To The Forum! :)

No it won't fit. It is a modular engine. It's not a push rod engine.

Ok, sorry for the mistake I didn't know of the new 5.0. But having a donor ex would still be your best bet for a more simple 5.0 swap.

I don't need simplicity. I just need it to conceivably fit at all. Surely we can free up some space somewhere...

Hey, if it's possible by any stretch of the imagination, it's going in. I'm warning you, I'll do it! I confessedly don't even know what it is about being modular that stands in my way :confused:

I thought Autoblog's coverage was better:

Because a mod motor is much wider than a push rod 5.0
The push rod 5.0 is a tight fit as is. You might as well cram a 460 in your Explorer. It won't be much harder.

Also the transmission bolt patern is not the same on a mod motor. This means you will need a differnt transmission which will mean a different transfer case which means custom drive shafts.

The new 5.0L has 412 HP and 390 Ft. pounds torque isnt to bad for a stock botto of the line GT! What kinda power will we be seeing cobra's, roushe's, gt500 stuff like that? I heard that a guy who works at Ford was saying there will be no more GT500! But instead, there will be a GT600 with a twin turbo 5.0L, putting out over 620HP!

Oh yeah, according to the specs of this new motor, its a DOHC big block! Bore x stroke 3.63 x 3.65

So width is the issue. What would have to give to accommodate? Of course I already knew I would need a new transmission. Good thing the F-150 is getting this powerplant! That's the easy part, even if the tunnel needs widening and a driveshaft, customizing.

So width is the issue. What would have to give to accommodate? Of course I already knew I would need a new transmission. Good thing the F-150 is getting this powerplant! That's the easy part, even if the tunnel needs widening and a driveshaft, customizing.

The F-150 is getting a new 6.2L

It will get the new 5.0 too

lol, you can chose from a lot of motor in the F-150! im sure they wont change the look any, so in 2010 you can get a 4.6, a 5.4 and in 2011 a 5.0 and 6.2! Its sad to see the 6.8 V10 go though in the 250/350!

So width is the issue. What would have to give to accommodate? Of course I already knew I would need a new transmission. Good thing the F-150 is getting this powerplant! That's the easy part, even if the tunnel needs widening and a driveshaft, customizing.

Say goodbye to heat & A/C. Yu will need custom exhaust headers made. That will run you $2000+. You will need the computer from the new Mustang or F150 as your current 4.0 one wil not work. Plus hundreds of many other issues.

this would be similar to putting a 4.6L in your Gen II Explorer... it has been done into Gen I trucks already (the 4.6)


Your heater box/ ac box and frame are in the way on the passenger side (frame hits exhaust flange from manifold to downpipe)
Your steering shaft is exactly where the d side exhaust manifold wants to be

this would be a HUGE conversion

stick with the pushrod small block IMO

Lol it is not like I'm trying desperately to salvage 4.0 parts here. Custom headers are a fun part of the new 5.0's story after a factory screwup. I shouldn't have a problem making my own. So far the only completely damning problem I'm hearing is potential frame interference. I wonder if it's going to come to just not making it past that.


hey look 2 into 1, what a surprise!!! last minute exhaust manifolds

Notch the frame then :) whats the biggie? I think moving the steering over is a bit more of a challenge myself... I am guessing you will need a 4.6L bellhousing transmission

I saw the 5.0L modular engine advertised in FMS catalog last year, why is this news again?? oh because now its actually going in something

I personally would NEVER want the first year of any engine, ah the 91 OHV 4.0L with cracking heads, oh the 97 SOHC with plastic thanks

Now I am all for custom drivetrain conversions, the guy who put the 4.6L DOHC in his Ranger was probably told "it cant be done, stick with the 302" also... LOL I was told 15 years ago "you cant lift a BII" hahahaha

anything is possible with enough time and especially in this case enough $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I saw the 5.0L modular engine advertised in FMS catalog last year, why is this news again?? oh because now its actually going in something

The 5.0 "Cammer" has been out for quite some time.

I'm just happy they are staying with a smaller displacement, not going with FI and putting out over 400bhp. A Kenne Bell Big Bore SC will put that engine at anywhere from 550bhp and up with low boost. I'd imagine that's what they'll be doing with the GT500; that 2.8H Blower is good up to 1000hp iirc.

They're also intoducing a Boss 302R as a turn key race car; i'd image they'd make a Boss 302 package for the GT (im assuming appearance upgrades, better exhaust, etc.).

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I'd imagine that's what they'll be doing with the GT500

The currant 2010 GT500 has a SC 5.4L, that puts out 550 HP, so i imagine we will be seeing even more in the 2011. I heard a rumor that the new GT500 will have a twin turbo 5.0L putting out over 650 HP......but we will see....

I cant wait to go test drive one when it comes out!
