Check out the sweet deal I got on my 91 Explorer! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Check out the sweet deal I got on my 91 Explorer!


Active Member
June 28, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Anchorage, AK
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer V8
I had a 2002 Eddie Bauer edition Explorer with the V8, 4X4, etc. It was loaded. It seemed to be loaded with some silly problems too. So, I decided that since I was supposed to deploy to the Middle East at the end of this month, I'd put it on Craigslist. I didn't want to sell it too quickly, so I put it on there for $1,500 more than I paid for it a year and a half ago. I figured that if somebody wanted to pay too much for a Ford Explorer, I'd let them and my wife and I would just drive one car until I left. Much to my surprise, I sold it in about two hours. Unbelievable. I had originally planned to buy a brand new truck when I got back from my deployment next year. The day I sold it, I found out that my deployment was pushed back until October. Ughhhhhh..... Anyways, I figured I'd just go get a new truck now. I found the Silverado I wanted. It was a 2010, Z-71, loaded out. $35,000 after all of the rebates and incentives. I got a loan and everything. Then, it hit me how retarded it was for me to be spending that kind of dough on a truck. I hauled ass out of that dealer. They were pretty ticked after working with me for a few hours. Oh well.

So, I started looking on Craigslist for something that I could pay cash for. I had a few thousand dollars that I had planned to put down on a new truck. I went and looked at a 1993 Explorer on Craigslist a couple of days ago. The guy wanted $1,500 for it and it was a huge piece of crap. It was really beat up. Wires were hanging out of it everywhere.

Last night, I found another Explorer on Craigslist for $1,200. It didn't have a picture. I almost didn't call the number, but the ad said that it was super clean and that everything worked. I usually never call anybody that doesn't have a picture on there. The ad was about three weeks old too. But I called anyways. The lady swore it was a really nice truck and that the only problem, was that the blower motor for the heater didn't work. I asked her if she would take $800 for it, and she said yes. I told her that I'd try to come and look at it today after I got off work. I was still really skeptical.

Today, I got off work and I was pretty beat. I planned to just go look at it right after I got off work, but was too tired, so I just went home. I got home and felt a little better, so I called her up. It was all the way across town and I almost just stayed home. But I went anyways. She described the Explorer to me. When I arrived, I drove right past it. I saw it, but figured that it was too nice to be the one I was going to look at. But sure enough, that was it. I just can't believe what a deal this thing is. I drove it and it drives great! The 4X4 works, the A/C works, all the windows and locks work, and the interior is in great shape. It even has a sunroof. There's a few stains on the carpet, but the seats are all in really good shape. I just couldn't believe it. It also has tires on the truck that are only a year old. Also, she gave me four, brand spanking new, studded Bridgestone Blizzak tires already mounted on rims for the winter time here in Alaska. Unbelievable. It has a V6 motor which I believe is a 4.0. It has a block heater too. The truck has 140,000 miles on it. The only issues it has that I can find with it, is the blower motor and the owner was a smoker. I can fix that blower motor in a snap. I'll figure out what to do about the smoker smell too.

Anyways, I just cannot believe my luck. $800. I just can't believe that somebody would let it go that cheap. I keep thinking that there must be some sort of serious problem that I don't know about. Maybe the wheels are about to fall off or something. But this thing is quieter than my 2002 Eddie Bauer was. The owners had owned it for 8 years and sold it because they bought a brand new Nissan Titan. Anyways, here's a few pics.




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Good looking explorer! And good looking second generation X in the background
Got yourself a good deal on that explorer

Good looking explorer! And good looking second generation X in the background
Got yourself a good deal on that explorer

That 2nd gen is my neighbors truck. He bought it last year and got a good deal as well. I see a lot of Explorers here in Alaska.

Good deal there. Just never know when a decent rig will come along. You jumped at the right time sounds like.:thumbsup:


Good luck on getting that smoke smell out.

It's damn near impossible no matter how well you clean the interior. The stench ends up inside the vents, soaking into the plastic behind the dash, and pretty much every where else. My father in law picked up a 91 Cadillac about 6 months ago from a guy who wanted it out of his yard - free of charge. Just had to replace the fuel pump and it runs great, but you can still smell the smoke it in after repeated trips to a professional detailer and leaving the windows down for days at a time.

Short of replacing the entire interior, you'll always have a hint of smoke in there.

Talk to joe dirt...he cleans everything on his explorer, so he may have an idea for you to try. I will say Joe Dirt's got one nice looking explorer.

Good looking explorer almost like mine "the color" but mine is the xlt. I payed 1,200 for it and within 3 to 4 months had to replace the water pump and intake manifold gaskets.

Heck of a deal

That is a nice Explorer for $800. I'm sure you know it by now but watch the transmission and the transfer case shift motor, lol. My dad and I have a 1991 Eddie Bauer that looks almost exactly like that same interior. I'm not sure about yours but on ours, down on the front seat brackets, it says Bronco 2, lol. We took the A4LD and the electric transfer case out and put a M5OD and manual transfer case out of a 1989 Ford Ranger in it.

Nice score on your X, Matt! Use FreeBreeze for the smoke smell, you will have to continue using it. (I'm a smoker but I won't smoke in my X) Or, spill some gear oil, that seems to override most smells!!

I just picked up a 92 Sport from a some one who smoked. Lots of rubbing alcohol and a full jerry can in the back (gas gauge didn't work til last week when I replaced the pump) overrides the smell pretty good.

The Febreeze seems to be working pretty good. It still smells a bit, but not like it did. The first couple of days that I drove it, I felt like I needed a shower afterwards. I guess that smokers don't realize that they smell like that. Anyways, it's doing better now. If the sun would ever come out up here, I might pull the seats and carpet and power wash everything and let them dry in the sun all day. But no. We just had our 27th straight day of rain up here. It's getting ridiculous! HA! I did replace the blower motor in the truck tonight and it's working great! The air conditioning doesn't work on it. I suspect that it's low on R-12. It's not too big of an issue here in Alaska though. All I've needed in July and August is the heater anyways. :rolleyes:

I bought my x from a chain smoker too I took everything out preasure sprayed it using a whole lot of simple green. It now smells like simple green, better than the smoke. You should of seen the black crap coming out of the carpet yuck.

Poor old lady. You stole that rig from her. She must have been hurting after her old man knocked her around for letting it go for 2/3 of the asking price. Then she gave away his winter tires on top of that. Poor old man, he got shanked.

Do you have an address so I can send them a condolence card?

i got6 my 91 ex for a trade for a 95 f-150 that doesn't run. the exran when i last worked on it, just needs a battery and a few odds and ends. former son-in-law started to take parts off of it before i caught him.what an ass clown.

i think i still need a battery it will turn over now but slowly, no power to the interior yet. the old ign switch was bad so i replaced it as well as the locking cylinder, lost the keys, still no power inside. trying to figure out where the power comes in none of the wires have power. oh well, it is my miniature man cave to get away from everything. does anyone know how the power gets inside? there was a red wire up by the fender switch maybe that was the interior power which means i need to run a 10 gauge wire to the starter solenoid. all these wires were disconnected and Haynes doesn't work. i got the two fuses that were missing, the 60 amp ign and the 40 amp computer fuses i will put them in tomorrow but they are kina spendy i was thinking of a circuit breaker wired in until i got everything working properly.
