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Help. Idler Pulley Need to get to college.


Explorer Addict
May 22, 2010
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94 Limited
Like the title says my Ideler pulley fell off today and I have about 6hrs till I need to leave for college.

So Questions are anything special I need to do other than just bolting it on and putting the belt on?

Would the old belt be fine cuase I'm pretty broke and don't really have th cash for a new one?

How do I tighten the belt never done it before so detailed instructions would be great?

I'm off to get the Pulley but will be getting your responses on my phone from E-mail.

Here is the pulley that came off.

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It's not hard at all, You will need a 3/8" ratchet on the tensioner to loosen the belt, should replace the belt if it is looking shabby.
If your decals are still on the fan shroud check them out, it will help you out as far as routing the belt and the location of the tensioner.

You can get a NEW pulley at O'Reilly Auto parts for $19.95. They also carry the #8 (strength) bolts if yours is unusable.

Ok well I got it back up and running again.

I went to AutoZone and Advanced cause thats really all we have and neither had the right pulley. So I did the only thing I could think of and called a local junk yard they had a 1st gen. there and it had a different pulley then what I had. The gut there took mine into the back and found one that matched but it was off of a 95. So maybe mine was late production year IDK?

Got it all back together and the tensioner was easy as pie to use I just put a cheater bar on the ratchet and out the belt on. So I'm set to leave thanks for the help ya'll.

P.S. I noticed my Tensioner was shaking a little does that mean thats it's likely to go soon?

Glad to see you are back on the road, Good idea to change them both out if you can.

Yeah, isnt a bad idea to change them both out. I did my tensioner a couple weeks ago(looked like it was ready to come apart, and held no tension), and i need to do my idler now...i believe it is whats making the squealing under my hood!

...Just throwing this in here but the idler and the tensioner pulley itself are both the same part number on the first gens...;)

...Just throwing this in here but the idler and the tensioner pulley itself are both the same part number on the first gens...;)

Are you sayin the parts have the same number or the same number between 1st and 2nd Gens?

I'll get to replacing them both eventually but it won't be till some time in the summer probably.

...The two pulley's are the same part and number on the first gen's...

Ok I just looked into the Fact that one from a 95 fit But according to AZ they are the same.
Here's the pic.

I don't see how this is supposed to work, Maybe someone can explain it to me??

...Its not unheard of to have same parts on different models and years..

...Its not unheard of to have same parts on different models and years..

I understand that. It's just that when I held what they said would fit and compared it to the old one the hole that the bolt went through was ALOT bigger even the parts guy thought it was the wrong part.

My '95 had an IAC from the factory spec'd for a '94, the '95 part at the counter had a different wiring harness connector. Drove us nuts for 2 hours until we figured that out... :D

OK ya'll I did a little investigating into this issue this weekend.

Here is my old broken Pulley (Notice missing bearing balls)

AZ Replacement

So I was looking at my old one and noticed the little silver piece could come unscrewed and when you take it apart you get these parts.

Notice the bolt increases size near the head.

Now when I was freaking out and running all over in my mind I saw no reason why it would do that.

So once you get it apart you can see how it works out. So lesson learned instead of freaking chill out and think things through.

Oh, and from what I have heard all the replacements are plastics. So is it possible to get a new bearing for the old one. Cause a plastic pulley just doesn't sound like a good idea.

Oh, and from what I have heard all the replacements are plastics. So is it possible to get a new bearing for the old one. Cause a plastic pulley just doesn't sound like a good idea.

Yes, There is a bearing number on that bearing in the pulley. If you go to a bearing place they can match it up for you. Thats how I do mine.

If you can't find it I can look at one of my old ones which I'm sure still has the # on it.


Yes, There is a bearing number on that bearing in the pulley. If you go to a bearing place they can match it up for you. Thats how I do mine.

If you can't find it I can look at one of my old ones which I'm sure still has the # on it.


If you wouldn't mind looking that would be great cause mines 2hrs away from me and I'd love to have a new one waiting when I go home.

I found my spare one, still in the box.
Its SNR brand and the number on the box says

The # on the bearing itself says 6203 j30 f20 SNR

I hope that helps.


I found my spare one, still in the box.
Its SNR brand and the number on the box says

The # on the bearing itself says 6203 j30 f20 SNR

I hope that helps.


Thanks helps a ton. I just found a set of 3 on Ebay for $20:thumbsup:. Definitely a better deal that $20 for a plastic one.

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