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2011 Ford Explorer!

No, it's not aged well.

Not to worry though, it's getting even more hideous for 2011.

Here's a hint...


(nice paint quality there too...) :D

Here's the full optical hurl: CLICK IF YOU DARE

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I think the new one looks better and higher quality, but they definitely ripped off some of the aspects from other cars.

Oooooh. That's seriously cool! Looks a lot better than the previous generation. Much sleeker and more modern. It does look like it borrows a bit from the Cadillac CTS/STS...but that's not a bad thing. If your going to copy something, it's better to copy a nice looking car. Me likey! Now, if only I could afford one:(

Am I the only one who thinks the 300 is an ugly vehicle? Looks they took it to the scrap yard, drove it into the compactor and triggered the top hydraulic to smash the roof down. Windows are tiny and that front grill. It reminds me of a Rolls Royce and let's face it, Chrysler will never be Rolls and there is a slight difference in price.

The only 300 worth anything to me is an SRT8, otherwise they are a POS. My GF's father had a Charger(same thing) and it was the cheapest feeling car I have ever been in.

The new Explorer is VERY nice, I really want the front seats:D

So we're starting to figure some of this out... I think thaywood really likes FWD cars, this other stuff is just a cover. :p:

thaywood- (or should I say Mr. Collins) could you please explain this, since you're sigline says that, um, you're the Stig...

Just when you thought there wasn’t any more news to be drained from Stig-gate, Ben Collins has come out and announced his favorite car from his time beneath the white helmet. Surprisingly enough, it’s not some high-dollar sports machine. Instead, Collins says that the most fun he ever had behind the wheel while employed with the BBC was in a Toyota Aygo. He and a gaggle of other race drivers spent an afternoon playing car soccer with the Aygo, and after a full day of abuse, the little Toyota just kept on chugging along.

What? A Toyota Aygo? Those are FWD- and apparently you were impressed with it's durability after an afternoon of car soccer, and never had more fun in another car... :D

I knew the RWD thing had to be a front... :p:

Oooooh. That's seriously cool! Looks a lot better than the previous generation. Much sleeker and more modern. It does look like it borrows a bit from the Cadillac CTS/STS...but that's not a bad thing. If your going to copy something, it's better to copy a nice looking car. Me likey! Now, if only I could afford one:(

@thaywood glad you like the sleek and modern look :)

Happy New Year. Anything on the answers to the questions you'd be right back with? Or did I miss something?

I was thinking the same thing. ;)
Posted via Mobile Device

To MarielleLeigh, this thread is a waste of space and time, and honestly is insulting to the explorer forum community. It should also make Ford feel embarrassed. You guys have obviously underestimated your customers, and for that you don't deserve any praise, no matter how successful the new explorer might be. Aside from the question about curb weight, which could have been found online without your help, you have answered none of the questions people have asked, and this thread's been here for a month. Were you scared away when people actually wanted to know more than just "about the Terrain Management system or the Ford Sync" (quoted directly from your 2nd post in this thread)? You come across as no more helpful than a salesperson at a dealership.

Joe Dirt was also right in pointing out that Ford should have consulted with the largest explorer-loyal community around for input on this new explorer. This forum consists of every single type of buyer that will ever step foot in a Ford dealer, and although it's mostly made up of people who drive offroad or do their own maintenance to avoid a trip to the stealership, many people on here DO fit the stereotypical grocery-getter, who just want a vehicle (regardless of brand) that fits their needs. Case in point, getting rid of the flip-up rear window was by far the most absurd thing you could have done. The 2011 explorer would have been the 5th explorer in our family, but lack of that feature alone knocks it off the list for a future purchase. Great job.

Another example would be the ridiculous reason why companies always make a succeeding model larger than the current model. You wanted us to ask you questions, well here's my question. Give me a good reason why you decide to make everything bigger? The explorer has grown to be nearly the size of the 1st expedition. Expedition has grown to be the size of the excursion. Escape is nearly the size of the 1st explorer. The ranger is dwarfed by all of its competitors, so you made it bigger. But the new global ranger has grown to be 90% of the current F-150 (as stated in another article I read on autoblog.com), so it's too close to the F-150, so you aren't offering it at all now. But the F-150 is too large for many people who would be interested in driving a truck everyday, as well as most places overseas which is why it's not sold there (also stated in the same article), so now the US is stuck with nothing. Brilliant! How big of a difference in size is 10% really, maybe an inch or two? Ford is so gosh darn confused on what it wants to build (note, i said "wants" not "needs"), it's no wonder there have been so many crossover duds in the past few years!

And finally, I completely understand that the typical target market for the explorer is not concerned about offroadability or towing an extremely heavy load. How the '11 explorer comes equipped from the factory is plenty suitable for most people. But once more, Ford should feel embarrassed for trying to convince us that sliding around in sand is anything close to technical offroad driving.

...FUDGE, this makes me so angry!!!

Wow....verbal abuse really isn't ok by me, but 2nd half of mounty71's post is quite warranted and a good set of points in my opinion.

I completely agree with the 3rd paragraph, and it's the main reason why I'm truly considering abandoning Ford until changes opposite of the current ones occur. I also strongly agree with the offense taken by Ford's 2011 "offroad" videos and such - they really are just videos of the 2011 sliding about or performing simple tasks. There are tons of videos of Subarus doing more intense stuff than the things depicted in the 2011 offroad videos.

But personal attacks still aren't ok - very impolite. Might I recommend going to the gun range for a Saturday, release stress/anxiety, then post. Or whatever floats your boat and makes you less aggressive.

Wow....verbal abuse really isn't ok by me, but 2nd half of mounty71's post is quite warranted and a good set of points in my opinion.

I completely agree with the 3rd paragraph, and it's the main reason why I'm truly considering abandoning Ford until changes opposite of the current ones occur. I also strongly agree with the offense taken by Ford's 2011 "offroad" videos and such - they really are just videos of the 2011 sliding about or performing simple tasks. There are tons of videos of Subarus doing more intense stuff than the things depicted in the 2011 offroad videos.

But personal attacks still aren't ok - very impolite. Might I recommend going to the gun range for a Saturday, release stress/anxiety, then post. Or whatever floats your boat and makes you less aggressive.

Haha, after starting the thread and reading through most of it, then realizing that no questions were ever answered, it got me really frustrated. Ford sent someone on here to do a job, and it wasn't done. I don't really think what i said is a personal attack, just an honest opinion about how she's doing her job. If Marielle would actually do what was promised, then my opinion might change. I spent a lot of time writing my post and choosing my words carefully, as i always do when expressing an opinion i feel strongly about, and i don't really feel like i was being overly impolite...just the right amount to hopefully get Marielle to come back on here and prove me wrong.

mounty I think you are completely right. Ford has abandoned everybody who has any real nead or desire to use their vehicle off of pavement.

For the Raptor crowd, I would consider buying one if I lived somewhere that I could actually drive it offroad. But I dont live in Cali and we dont have any deserts. Only narrow muddy rocky trails or short streches of beach with a 25 mph speed limit.

I have been completely abandoned by Ford for my transportation neeeds and desires. And they should be chasticed. Stating how capable the netered Explorer is compared to a 1st or even a 2nd gen Explorer is absoutly ridiculas. Expecting the members of this forum to embrace an embarsement to the Explorer name is a bit nieve. Ford decided to reuse the name Explorer to sell more vehicles. This offering is inconsistent with what what the explorer was when it was at its most popular (best sales) is nothing short of a slap in the face to most explorer enthusiasts.

Ford has driven me away as a loyal custmomer, and that makes me angry. Sure I could go buy a heep, but I am an explorer enthusiasts. The 2011 explorer is too big, too heavy, and completely incapable of satisfying my needs. It is the perfect example of corporate greed over common sence and customer loyalty.

So now, it's corporate greed and lack of common sense to build a vehicle in a configuration that a majority of potential buyers said they wanted? Interesting...

Man, if you all feel this badly about it I wonder how the Jeep people are feeling now that the GC has gone from a frame on body / soild axle design to the same unibody setup.

Haha, after starting the thread and reading through most of it, then realizing that no questions were ever answered, it got me really frustrated. Ford sent someone on here to do a job, and it wasn't done. I don't really think what i said is a personal attack, just an honest opinion about how she's doing her job. If Marielle would actually do what was promised, then my opinion might change. I spent a lot of time writing my post and choosing my words carefully, as i always do when expressing an opinion i feel strongly about, and i don't really feel like i was being overly impolite...just the right amount to hopefully get Marielle to come back on here and prove me wrong.

I completely agree with your previous rant. Marielle's original posts seem nothing more than poure SHILL. She lacks any sort of integrity based on her original posts and the lack of promised followup. She's not more than a paid marketer for Ford and that shows through and through.

I'm glad you bring up the lack of a popup rear window. To me, that is one of the most important features in previous Explorers. I use it all the time and have in the 4 previous Explorers I've owned. The reason I switched to a 4 door over the previous three 2 doors I owned was to get my son in/out of his car seat easier than before. An added bonus of the 10" of extra space in the rear in the 4 door over the 2 was that I no longer had to fold down the rear seat in order to load carry our load on road trips. I always strategically load the truck now so that all I need to do is pop up the rear window to get at anything I need while travelling. In fact my wife once opened the tailgate in error and I had to reload everything because it was packed so tight, everything started falling out the back and I couldn't get the gate closed again.

The lack of a popup rear window in itself has eliminated the '11 Explorer from ever gracing my garage. Why Ford chose to create focus groups using minivan owners is beyond me. Had they selected a broad cross section of people who actually drove Explorers are truly passionate about them, the '11 Explorer would actually be something worthwhile, IMHO. I still feel Ford has capitalized on the venerable Explorer name alone to sell more CARS and the sellout strategy has definitely alienated me. If I want a CUV, I'm going Flex. At least it has some soul and doesn't look like every other CUV on the road like the '11 "Explorer" does.

Your post to Marielle, including the "personal attacks" (which were much more tame than I would have posted) are warranted. In fact I found your post to be quite civil and apparently speaking for a lot more people than yourself. :thumbsup:

Long live the Explorer! 1991-2010.

I don't really think it's completely fair to blame someone like Marielle, she was just sent here. Is it her job? Yes. But- I don't think they adequately considered the types of people and enthusiasts that would be here, and the questions that were going to be asked. At some level though, I'm sure they read some of the posts, and said "screw this- these guys are nuts, we'll never get a fair shake there anyway. Where can our dollars be spent more wisely?" You're never going to convince the vast majority of people here who are already against this vehicle to accept it, for whatever reasons they have.

I agree about the lack of answers. Regardless who was sent, some of those questions should have been answered. I hope I've been told the straight story about some upcoming events, as I'd be quite disenchanted if they were not true, because I think they're needed and grossly overdue. I do think that it was unfair of Ford to send a marketing rep that doesn't know the answers to the types of questions and the thoughts that would be exhibited on this type of forum.

How should it have been done? Ford should have sent an individual that knew in advance answers and had at least some of the passion for the vehicle that thaywood illustrates the other way.

I know I have a hard enough time trying to read through threads that call family and friends idiots for engineering and building this thing. How would you like to be a paid marketer having to come in here and get blasted for everything but breathing knowing that no answer you're going to get will be good enough? I wouldn't do it either. It's not an easy place to handle if you're not in the "in" crowd. Heck- I still wonder if I lost friends for just replying to the a few questions by the wrong member. Life's not easy, and no vehicle is perfect for everyone.

Originally posted by mounty71:
....And finally, I completely understand that the typical target market for the explorer is not concerned about offroadability or towing an extremely heavy load. How the '11 explorer comes equipped from the factory is plenty suitable for most people. But once more, Ford should feel embarrassed for trying to convince us that sliding around in sand is anything close to technical offroad driving.
...FUDGE, this makes me so angry!!![/QUOTE]

The following was taken from
http://www.bnet.com/news-analysis/auto/2011-ford-explorer-test-drive/86655 Click on the 2nd headline "2011 Ford Explorer, an AW Flash Drive"

QUOTE:We took it off-road, too. Ford said only 17 percent of Explorer customers ever go off-road, and of those, none ever go rock crawling. So there is no low-range transfer case. A simple knob allows you to choose four modes of traction control, from normal to mud, to sand, to snow. Sand was fun, especially since we got to flail about in real sand. On a short off-road course we found more than adequate approach, departure and breakover angles. When the going got really steep, the rear axle eventually kicked in and got the Explorer up the hill, though it seemed to take a while to do so. For downhill runs there is a Ford version of Land Rover's push-button Hill Descent Control, which grabs individual disc brakes to ease you down the steepest slopes.

We didn't tow anything but Ford said that the Explorer will haul up to 5,000 pounds, which covers the needs of something like 99-point-something-something percent of Explorer owners' towing needs. UNQUOTE

I too am disappointed that there is no rear flip up window like the one I have on my '09 Highlander. It is definitely handy, but to be truthful, I haven't used it in the 1 1/2 years I've had it. Still, the fact that the 2011 is now unibody, was enough for me to leave 10 years of driving 3 Toyota Highlanders and order the Explorer. That and the fact someone is willing to take over my current lease and reimburse part of my downpayment.;)

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I too am disappointed that there is no rear flip up window like the one I have on my '09 Highlander. It is definitely handy, but to be truthful, I haven't used it in the 1 1/2 years I've had it.

I could care less about the truck's offroad ability as I scored my trucks just to be able to get to the backcountry gravel roads in relatively comfort to access trailheads for biking, hiking, skiing, snowshoeing etc. I don't lift mine, I don't lower mine. I've kept all my trucks stock because they do the job for me, as is.

Sure, a car could handle a lot of these conditions, but my old SVT Contour got trashed in the process in many ways. The flip-up window is by far one of the most used features on my truck. I was just thinking of how much I like it two days ago when I went showshoeing with my wife and son as we loaded our gear in and out and how effortless it's always been for all our outdoor adventures, before and after being parents.

I'm a short **** and I can still gain great access to the rear cargo area without having to pop up the entire tailgate. It's nice to be able to flip up the entire gate when needed, but I rarely use that feature.

I know it sounds strange, but with all the other things I don't like about the '11 Explorer, it really was the lack of the flipup rear window that was available on every other Explorer before now that really sealed the deal for ME.

I don't buy into the pure offroad/rock crawling/mudding argument because that's not my thang. I always liked Explorers for what they were right out of the showroom. That's why I factory ordered my '93, followed by the factory ordered '97 and later low mileage '00 and '99. The rear hatch/window features were just part of the package I grew to love. I only wish the rear window went up/down a la Four Runner and I really would have been set. :D



