problem with 2005 Escap drive shaft | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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problem with 2005 Escap drive shaft


October 10, 2009
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Nova Scotia
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 ford ranger
Hello all, I took of the rear drive shaft to replace the u-joints on the rear and front of the drive shaft, it is a two pice driveshaft with a steady bearing. I replaced the u-joints and when I went to put it back on there was balls that fell out of the transfur case and can't seem to get it back right. I can put it togather with the ball In place (I think) but no all weel drive. Any help would be greatly apprished.
Thanks to all that will reply or drop me a line.

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Are you saying the balls fell out of the CV joint? How, it has a cap on it?

This is one I replaced on my Mom's '05.



It is not a new drive shaft that I replaced just the u-joints, when I removed the shaft from the transfer case the ball fell out of the cv joint and the ring the the ball must have been in and when I put it back togather I have no power going to the rear wheels.
is there a cearton combination on how to replace the balls.

The upper left small photo is what you should see when looking at the flange coming out of the transfer case after removing the driveshaft. You should be able to see that big nut, as shown. The driveshaft is supposed to have the silver cap on the end to prevent the CV joint from coming apart and the balls falling out. That cap is sort of pressed in IIRC. The one in my photo that is apart failed because the Escape was hit in the back, not from wear. I bought it wrecked and fixed it. Like you say, that is what I found when the 4x4 didn't work. Also had a heck of a clunk!!

Don't you have to remove the cap when you attach it to transfer case?? or am I missing somthing, because the was no problem with the rear wheel drive when I took it apart.

The cap stays on the shaft. Sometimes the "cap" may become stuck in the flange coming out of the t-case. The shaft on the right in both photos was purchased used from a salvage yard, with the cap intact as it should be in order to keep the ball bearings and cage from falling apart.

On the Escape I fixed the shaft was driven into the t-case and the cap was literally molded to the flange. You HAVE to have the bearings in place and the cap on it to install it and it stay in place.

Go HERE and download/save the pdf. it will be removed soon.



Mom has driven it for 3 years now and loves it!

Thanks very much for your patience, I am starting to see the whole pitcure now. The escap belongs to my brother and he was the one that took it apart so I did not see how it came out of the t case. Wondering if one can buy that bearning and cap with out buying the whole front driveshaft.

I am from Cape Briton Island ............Thanks a whole lot Ron.

Yes this is an old thread but I need an answer. Trying to pull the drive shaft from my 08 Escape because of serious vibration (suspect Carrier Bearing) but I cannot get it to separate at the transfer case where the CV bearing cage or whatever slots into it. Been trying penetration oil and banging on the housing outside the transfer case with a chisel etc but it is not budging. ( I live in salt the road country in NY).
Any thoughts/ideas.

Also... once I get it off...if I ever do.... is the Carrier Bearing replaceable? I assume so since I can find some for sale online? And... can I drive the truck to get the part and probably have someone press it off and on?

