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Explorer on the grille looks great fedy! red really brings it home too

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Explorer on the grille looks great fedy! red really brings it home too

thanks man means alot... was painstaking i hope i dont have to do it again

How much did you pay for it? Did you order it directly from Hunter 4x4?

If I remember right is was somewhere aroun $375 and yeah I ordered it directly from them.


lil towing today

Did some mods of my own over the weekend. Hello bucket seats and black bearing covers!




Did some mods of my own over the weekend. Hello bucket seats and black bearing covers!

Looks nice. I love the bucket seats in the second row. I'm thinking of painting my wheel caps black. Do you have a shot of the truck with these on?

gregor love the bucket seats were they bolt in or require some modding?

Thanks guys. I cant park it in the garage but hey that the price you pay. I love driving it!

The measurments from the ground to the top of the fender in the front is 41 inches and the rear is 39.75 inches.

I really like the wheels too. The stance is much wider now as you can see below.

A few shots I took of the Ex today.




great shots nate good job :thumbsup:

Grill look's awesome in those shot's Nate, hell, your whole rig does!!!

Looking good Nate!

yea i'll take a picture tmrw and put it up for ya. And for the bucket seats, they are all just bolted down and i just took out the middle one and had to rel-locate the seat belt buckels

yea i'll take a picture tmrw and put it up for ya. And for the bucket seats, they are all just bolted down and i just took out the middle one and had to rel-locate the seat belt buckels

Thanks. Standing by for the pics......................:popcorn:

Ok well here my friend (Ocean Pacific) and I are trying to do dougnuts in the snow in a tight parking lot being extra cautious with light polls sticking up waiting for someone to hit them lol.. but thats only a problem because the snow SUCKS for some reason.. Normally this parking lot is a piece of cake and can drift around the polls like Ken Block lol.. We both agreed that we couldn't even do dougnuts half as well as usual.. oh well. I'll post a better video when we get some better snow! But for now this is all I got..

BTW sorry for the poor sound quality.. didn't pick up anything but the blizzard we were in.

Yes, if you were wondering my truck is a 4th Gen and his is a 3rd Gen

Thanks for the upload, sure was fun!

Hope this pic is ok


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anytime. what do ya think?
