who's X is like this ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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who's X is like this ?


Well-Known Member
August 13, 2010
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City, State
Bel Air, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLS
I know i should probably know this.... seeing as how im obsessed with this forum :p:

but who has an explorer without a roof rack???

an if so could you post pics of it (side,rear, front, and top) pleaseee :)

im thinking bout removing my rack and building an entire roof basket, hummer style,


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Here's mine-





Perfect, thats what im thinkin exactly, if you dont mind could u get me one more pic, one of the mounts for the bars? Where the six blocks attach to the roof, thanks a ton man :)

Perfect, thats what im thinkin exactly, if you dont mind could u get me one more pic, one of the mounts for the bars? Where the six blocks attach to the roof, thanks a ton man :)

You want a picture of the actual roof rack mounts that attach to the roof?

Edit: Like these???




Beautiful. Thank you. That is exactaly what i wanted, how long did it take to remove em?

About 15 min to remove the rack:D

Just pop each cap off and there's two screws. Remove all of them and the rack. Dab a little silicone on the screws threads and reinsert them. Use some touchup paint on the head to blend them in better and you're done.

Is there a certain ft-lb the should be tightened to? I've got to secure mine before I attach my new roof basket....

Is there a certain ft-lb the should be tightened to? I've got to secure mine before I attach my new roof basket....

I tighten them up good and snug, just don't overdo it;)

Yeah i intend on using the mounts for the roof rack to mount blocks to attach a basket. This way the basket can be close to the roof an can be the entire roof, not just the on top of the bars.

Ditto here, but I'm going to use the rails so the basket can be easily removed.
