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Agreed, have you ever been out east to Windrock? That mountain is fun but every trail is covered in rock..

Been there several times, I used to have a Ranger that I took there. Here's a pic of the Ranger. When I get the Explorer ready, I plan on taking it there. I will only try the easy trails with it.

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I have done both blue and green trails up there in my Explorer with just a 3" body lift and she performed beautifully..only got stuck once because of clearance issues. When you get your Explorer finished up, hit me up and we may be able to plan a trail run with some other members.

I have done both blue and green trails up there in my Explorer with just a 3" body lift and she performed beautifully..only got stuck once because of clearance issues. When you get your Explorer finished up, hit me up and we may be able to plan a trail run with some other members.

Will do.

Rangermidtn,hat size tires/lift are on that ranger? A buddy of mine has one nearly identical to that and wants to get new tires. Your ranger looks awesome

Nice truck!

I found it funny that you happened to post these pictures because I just saw a Commercial as I'm sure all of you did if you're watching the Ravens/Steelers game for a stock Nissan Frontier drove up hill on a dune like it was pavement to help bump a dune bugy stuck at the top. SMH

yea I saw that on tv. I am almost positive that it was filmed in the same area that his truck got stuck. 99% sure, real funny


more pics in registry

Thanks. And paint what color? They're charcoal gray and machined finish. Not a fan of all black wheels

x2! looks like i should get into the remote start install business while i'm still young, lol

thanks, car audio is getting harder and harder. i have to get factory trained every year. the shop pic is only a third of how big the shop is. im actually going to school to be a ford or toyota mechanic. a few years to go.

Theyre 20s on 275/45s. Tires are way too small, though. Rim specs are in registry. Probably won't run them in the snow, though

love the look of that thing just wish you didn't have to cut up the front end

x2!! that safari bar looks pretty good...:thumbsup:

Been awhile..

Well I havent posted up a picture in awhile and ive made a few changes: painted the roof rack black (wheels are next) and I took the running boards off.




plasti dipping the stock rims. i'll post a picture when they are done.

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words cannot describe my jealousy.... i can not wait for the snow to get to michigan

awesome shots too. i thought the 05 was going into storage and your 98 would be your DD?

X2!!!! My first winter last year I had a blast with it! My main thing is I have to remember to shut off the Advanced Traction Control, otherwise it is:burnout: And than it kicks in and spoils the fun!
