System Upgrades (semi complex) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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System Upgrades (semi complex)


Well-Known Member
April 4, 2010
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'97 Mounty 5.0 V8 AWD
Ok, my system is due for a little refresh.

Current setup:
Pioneer AVH-P1400DVD
Planet Audio 4 Channel Amp
2 12" Orion's
Turbo Bass Probox
Sony Xplod door speakers

Get a new 2 channel amp for the subs and run the Planet Audio 4 channel to door speakers and add a capacitor. I want to do this by utilizing distribution blocks for power and grounds. I want this install to be clean.

I will be going along this guide:

Picture from Crutchfield

Multiple pics to come :D

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Ideas & Supplies

I have an Optima YellowTop Battery, I believe this is plenty of battery for my system but I do have a Wal-Mart brand battery that is perfectly fine. Should I wire this into my system? What about my alternator? It is stock and I'm not sure what it is rated at. Should this be upgraded as well. I've read the "Big Three" wiring upgrade, should I do this as well?


What I Need--
Power/Ground Wire
Distribution Blocks
Two sets of RCAs
Second (or is it primary) Amp
More remote wire

What I Have--
Head Unit/Amp/Box/Component Speakers/etc.

Supplies are in:




Distribution Blocks x2:

Install is finished.

Head Unit:

Crunch Amp, Capacitor, Distribution Blocks:

Planet Audio Amp:

Orion 12s and Turbo Bass Probox:

The Big Three could help you get more out of your current alternator/battery set up. And is probably worth doing since the factory gauge wire is tiny. Im pertty sure you have a 130 amp alternator, someone correct me if thats wrong. Whats the Wrms of the 4 channel amp? Do you have any problems currently with it? (power wise)

Also, what will the new 2 channel wattage be?

I would put your walmart battery under the hood, and use your yellow top and not your cap. Caps do what they are supposed to do when there is the big bass hits, but they put resistance in line during continuous use. where as a battery doesnt.

The Big Three could help you get more out of your current alternator/battery set up. And is probably worth doing since the factory gauge wire is tiny. Im pertty sure you have a 130 amp alternator, someone correct me if thats wrong. Whats the Wrms of the 4 channel amp? Do you have any problems currently with it? (power wise)

The Planet Audio is a P300.4:
4 X 75 Watts RMS Power (4 Ohm)
4 X 150 Watts RMS Power (2 Ohm)
2 X 300 Watts RMS Power (4 Ohm)

It is in perfect condition.

Also, what will the new 2 channel wattage be?

I'm not really sure yet, my subs are Orion Cobalt 12s (CO124S). I may however end up upgrading these as well. Not 100% sure yet.

I would put your walmart battery under the hood, and use your yellow top and not your cap. Caps do what they are supposed to do when there is the big bass hits, but they put resistance in line during continuous use. where as a battery doesnt.

Interesting. I will definitely do some more research into this.

All the supplies are in, the setup will be:
Optima YellowTop Battery
Pioneer AVH-P1400DVD Head Unit
Diesel Audio 1.5 Farad Capacitor
Planet Audio 300.4 Amp
Sony Xplod Door Speakers
Crunch Powerzone 1400.2 Amp
Orion Cobalt 12" Subwoofers x2 (CO124S)
Turbo Bass Probox
Scosche Distribution Block x2
Scosche Wiring (for the most part)

I think that's it. The third post will be edited for installation.

I'm so excited!!!

Put up the pics once its all installed!

The Big Three Helps Allot , I've Upgraded my big three and it helped , The less voltage drop you Have the Better you system and Subs will sound , As Well as Last , I've been beating my Audiobahn aw1200x subs in there JL audio HO enclosure Wired at 1 ohm with a 1800 Watt Quantum audio 1 ohm amp , and these subs are still pounding , I listen to all types of music with it , Rap, Heavy metal , Country ,Current Hits ,And Most all music that re produces sounds great ! My subs were Manufactured in 2001 , not sure how there still alive haha , Tuned in for pics !!

Third post updated with install.

I ran into a problem with the Planet Audio. Apparently the other two channels don't work and I just now figured it out because I've never used them before now. I've got all 4 door speakers wired to 2 channels right now so I'm looking for a new 4 channel. Probably gonna go with Crunch.

I got a new 4 Channel. It is a JBL GTO-504EZ:


This amp is amazing. Easy controls and powers my Sony Xplods better than I could have ever imagined. If you're looking for a cheap ($150), awesome door speaker amp go with this amp, you won't be disappointed.

I have a question for you audio guys. Can my AGM Optima battery be wired up to a regular Lead Acid Battery without causing problems?
