car audio specialists please help! selecting my system | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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car audio specialists please help! selecting my system


Active Member
June 10, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Cleveland, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT
I been wheeling and dealing car audio equipment on craigslist, Heres what I got as of now,
a sony gtx-520 cd player,
2 xplod 6x9's
2 jbl 6x9's
2 pioneer 6.5's in rear doors,
2 american bass 5" in the front doors,
a Alpine v12 mrv-100 amp ,
a crossfire 2 channel 400watt amp (CFA402)
2 12"1300 watt xplod's.
Before i go selling stuff, I want to know if I should keep these amps? can/should I put the 4 6x9's on the 2 channel crossfire? or should I just sell these amps and get a 4 channel amp and a stronger amp for subs? I will upgrade the subs one day, and the 5" speakers i have in the front doors, but my problem is the amps, i dont know how to rate or compare amps, someone send me in the right direction!

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personally, i would get rid of all of that stuff except the alpine amp and maybe the pioneer speakers. sell the amps and get a 4 channel. you will be much happier doing that than putting 2 different brand/size amps in there.

don't even keep the pioneers. get polk or kicker, these speakers usually don't require as much power to get loud, and if you have a good set they'll still sound really good cranked up. they won't lose as much clarity in the upper ranges.

as for the amp, i think i found you some information, but not positive it's the same. google search:

personally, i would get rid of all of that stuff except the alpine amp and maybe the pioneer speakers. sell the amps and get a 4 channel. you will be much happier doing that than putting 2 different brand/size amps in there.

With all do respect sir i got this stuff cheap, what are you suggesting I get as far as the 4 door speakers plus 4 or maybe 8 , aditional speakers for rear?

i can hook 3 amps to my cd player, i'll get 2- 4 channel amps, too power the 6x9's and door speakers, or 8 6x9's if i get 8 of them. what kind of 4 channel amps/ speakers do i want? what am i looking for! i dont understand the audio game, What features/specs do i want for this equipment???

i'll push the 2 xplods with the little v12 for now, and will upgrade that later, i just want to get the other speakers set up now and out of the way. So help me get it sounding right. :navajo:

installation is key...doesn't really matter if you have sony or what. I have some Kenwood 6x8's from best buy that sound better than my friends JL Audio TR 6.5" components

What are you planning on doing with the Alpine MRV-100M amp?

I have that particular amp...

With all do respect sir i got this stuff cheap, what are you suggesting I get as far as the 4 door speakers plus 4 or maybe 8 , aditional speakers for rear?

i can hook 3 amps to my cd player, i'll get 2- 4 channel amps, too power the 6x9's and door speakers, or 8 6x9's if i get 8 of them. what kind of 4 channel amps/ speakers do i want? what am i looking for! i dont understand the audio game, What features/specs do i want for this equipment???

i'll push the 2 xplods with the little v12 for now, and will upgrade that later, i just want to get the other speakers set up now and out of the way. So help me get it sounding right. :navajo:

What do you want from your system??

You want to be listen from a few blocks, you want it to sound loud and clear, or what??

How much do you want to spend, and how much space do you want get rid of??
