First Work On My Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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First Work On My Explorer


Active Member
September 20, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Birdtown, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Miata SE BRG #1837
I completed a few of the needed things on my 1994 Explorer today. Replaced both outer tie rod ends and had it aligned. Then replaced the front brake pads, which, as you can easily see, were very much in need of replacement:


Next...EGR valve and tube. And I think I have a bad hub on the passenger side. Has anyone replaced the ignition switch on their Explorer? I am going to need to do that, too, and wondering how hard it is and if it's worth trying a used part or how much for a new one.


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I replaced my ignition key cylinder. Rock Auto, less than 20 bucks I think. There is a thread, take plastic off of steering column, push in spring loaded pin, out it comes.

I replaced my ignition key cylinder. Rock Auto, less than 20 bucks I think. There is a thread, take plastic off of steering column, push in spring loaded pin, out it comes.

Cool. Thanks. Found the part on Rock Auto. Now to search for the thread.

Thanks! I think this job will be no problem with this info and pics!!!

Charcoal metallic. Here's one of my favorite pics of it:


Already have the new ignition lock cylinder installed. Took about 25 minutes tops. Found the part locally at O'Reilly's for $14.99! Thanks again for all your help!

You're certainly not a procrastinator!

I forgot to say, welcome to the site too.


e.g.r. tube

i needto replace my e.g.r. tube too. but a little reluctent to. looks like it's pretty rusted on the manifold. whats the best way.

I'll take advice on the EGR and tube also. But, I have a new battery now, too. The one it came with was 8 years old. That just isn't acceptable in Minnesota's winters. :eek:
