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Couple questions about after doing my inside.

I had 285 75 16's on stock wheels for a long time with no issues--


( note mag mount antenna dragging in mud)


Wheeled em at 18 psi in Colorado and never rolled a bead off.

You might " cut and flip" the trailer hitch to get it back up. Otherwise it will be a "hang up"

i also used them tires and rims for about another 50,000 miles after i bought them off him,, when they wore out, i put on some BFG of the same size, they are still on them rims,, and work great,

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I got the truck all put back together last night. Minus the rear bumper. My buddy and i spent almost an hour with the brackets and trying them in different locations, different angles, everything... nothing worked. I finally bolted the bumper back on in its stock location just so i would have my plate/tag lights back on her.

As for the tow hooks, i just unbolted them and put the front end back on. the front of the frame rails are RIGHT in the opening for the grill... kind of ugly, but livable.

Here she is 9 days ago...

And here she is as of last night...

I think im just going to get some KM2 285/75 R16's for my stock rims. I dont wheel all that much, so i think they would work just fine for my purposes... Then save up for some 35's and new rims.

For the back bumper brackets you have to notch the frame rails, there's pictures and description in the body lift instructions (not the best pictures though). Get yourself some S-10 tow hooks if you don't wanna cut the front bumper cover up for the factory hooks.

My body lift instructions didnt have a single picture... I tried going threw the entire 883 instructions on here, i guess i'll go re-read it again since work is slow this morning....

Go to performance accessories website. They have an exact instructions PDF with high res color photos that show you everything to do.

It should be kit# 70023, if you give me your phone number I can text you pictures from my phone. I'm having a birthday party for my son that turned one today so I don't have the computers on.

Would love some pictures of how yours is mounted.

Pictures sent.

Apparently i ordered the wrong lift kit ;( I ordered the 883 Lift kit. Going threw everything included in the kits it looks like the main difference was the rear bracket. If thats the case i'll just fab up a couple brackets to work.

I searched body lifts on here and the main one i saw on everything was the 883. Like a dumby i just hopped on and ordered it with out asking/making sure thats what i needed.

Oh well, the lift is done, the radiator is lowered and mounted correctly, the front bumper is trimmed and fits. The lines are extended, everything seems to work just fine.

I guess you live and learn. Next time i'll slow down and hopefully get the right parts the first time.

Well, got the nerf bars popped off (I hate the way they bolt to the cab rather then the frame). Then had a buddy come over and we put his soft 8's (15x8 with 4" BS) with 33x12.5 tires. I've got to get some rims/tires now.


Looks good, I have the same rims and size tires on mine. Did you cut the rear frame rails yet?

Not yet, right now the rear bumper is just bolted on in the stock location for now. Its ugly as hell, but its working. I'll relocate it this week, as well as pop the rear sway bar off...

Hi Dolbs!! Glad to see you made all this progress already! Hope to see you a lot more over here! Im not very active on MM because I dont own a stang :( lol.

I plan on being pretty active over here now!! i have alot of projects still needing to be done.

Mainly i need to make a fiberglass sub enclosure for behind the seat and re-do all of the audio in the truck.. Thats next after the rims/tires are done...

hehe, I just got done redoing all my audio work with subs behind the seat and am planning on taking the back seats out all together... :p

Wish i had that option, but with 2 little ones and this being the DD so that i dont have to use my mustang.... the seats will stay. haha

Well, got the nerf bars popped off (I hate the way they bolt to the cab rather then the frame). Then had a buddy come over and we put his soft 8's (15x8 with 4" BS) with 33x12.5 tires. I've got to get some rims/tires now.


I'm kinda partial to that look.

lol you dont say....




Obviously yours is a lot nastier then mine... but its getting there!

After seeing yours on 35's and mine on 33's, im kind of partial to keeping it on 33's. I love the way yours looks, but i also kind of like the gap between the tires/fenders...

Wish i had that option, but with 2 little ones and this being the DD so that i dont have to use my mustang.... the seats will stay. haha

Im still in school so I dont have to worry about that problem yet :D woot

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