opinions on attaching a winch to brush guard..yes/no? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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opinions on attaching a winch to brush guard..yes/no?


Active Member
October 28, 2012
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City, State
Camas, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Ford Explorer XLT
I want to get a winch for my explorer, however I have been told many things about attaching a winch to the brush guard. A buddy of mine says its a bad idea. Any opinions?


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Def a bad idea. I just took my brush guard off today after 4 years because it started rusting. There is no way you can put a winch on it without breaking it.

Only thing I can add is... Epic Fail. Mine is on a receiver hitch that ties into the frame, even then there is added lateral support for sideway pulls.
If you did something like the above link shows but all welded with heavier gauge steel. Then cut off the brush guard just below the headlight guard and weld that part to the winch support. Just leave provisions on the winch support to allow for the brush guard. A lot of work for sure but would turn out functional and lookin good IMO.

I want to get a winch for my explorer, however I have been told many things about attaching a winch to the brush guard. A buddy of mine says its a bad idea. Any opinions?


I have the same problem. To solve it, I pulled my spare and threw it on the roof. I'm working on a mount for a winch to go in its place and sort of a hidden hitch for the cable to feed through. Not happening soon, but it's in the works.

Don't do it.


EDIT: Also, this was frame welded.

damn mounty... if I was considering it before, I totally am not now! thanks for all the advice guys.

Yeah, that was a big oops. Custom steel winch bumper is in the works as we speak.
