Final box design... hopefully.. opinions? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Final box design... hopefully.. opinions?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Glassboro, southern jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Limited 5.0
This design is to house 3 Rockford hx2 12" woofers and capable of performing with a near future upgrade. Box is 41"w 20"t 20"d. Port is 39.5"w 3"t giving me 118.5sq inches of area giving me around 15.5sq" per cube of volume, port length is around 30" dropping me around 33hz after displacments. This will be my 1st "crx style" build and im hoping it performs as well as i desire. I will be going with the roll on bedliner as per almost every box ive made lately. Give me your opinions! I will likely be adding allthread to keep it nice and tight. Also ill be adding 1/16 45s where need be. Also trying to decide whether or not to resin the interior of the box for ish and gigs.




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Also theres a reason i didnt design it to sit on the wheel wells. My sons collapsible wagon slide right next to the last box i built (41"w) i also have a cool slim cooler that firs next to it perfectly, AND some recovery stuff sits on the opposing side very nicely.

I like it, looks good. Im assuming that being a crx style enclosure, the port will be facing rearward. I know this style enclosure is a nearly perfect match for a hatch back, curious to see how it works with the spacious cabin of the X.

Also.....the audio sub-forum is eerily quiet lately.....

Aside from everyone mentioning that the crx style works very well in the ex i was getting tired of having to worry about stuff leaning or sliding into the subs. The box i just pulled out was just shy of these dimensions and i could still load her up full of groceries. So im hoping this design will work well with these 3 hx2's and with any futures subs i swap to. I know its nothing fancy but as far as i can tell the science is there and this enclosure outta wham

Welp just picked up a 2nd sheet of mdf and im about to start cutting it up, hope this design works out!

Ill upload the progress pics before i head to bed, getting there

Far from done but heres some pics. I only found 2 bar clamps at first so i had to build it a little backwards from planned, then i found 5 more









just need some motivation... all thats left is to finish prettying up and punch out the triple holes

I can honestly say it kicks ass! I have yet to start/complete any cosmetic attributes because i wanted to make sure it was the sound/output i was hoping for..... which it was! now when i feel up to it i shall patch her up and use my favorite, spray/roll on bedliner for a tough,rugged reliable finish. it has always looked bad ass and i can throw ish at it and never have to worry about the box sliding around. i already expanded the cracks across my windshield. Once i get my power cell in and can turn the amp more than a 1/4 way up it outta be pure insanity. With the amp 1/4 way up and head unit tuned to -15 my windshield wipers love slapping around




Looks great!!! I cant wait to see it how it looks with the bedliner on. What amp are you pushing those with?
