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Turbo 5.0 Build

Hey guys, I'm starting my rear-mount build here in 2 weeks, and I will take pictures as I go, and hopefully if you see how easy it is, there will be more turbo explorers. :D

I have a 2000 Limited Edition 5.0 AWD V8.
The only other 5.0 explorer I've seen with this is willzilla's. and he obviously is now taking it off. :p

Anyways, I'm pretty excited, I've got everything I need, and a appointment in two weeks at the exhaust shop! :D


5.0 Explorer


.57 T3T04E

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Looks like a Clean Explorer And Nice door Badges ! , Looking forward to the build and More pics of your Black beast !

how many threads are you going to start on the same subject?

I believe this was just the second thread... I suggested he move his last thread or create one in the need for speed section versus where he had it in the Modified 1995-2001 Explorers section.

On a side note limited2000 I replied to your post in my thread :D

how many threads are you going to start on the same subject?

This is the second. Also, I tried figuring out how to delete the last so there was not a duplicate. However, I'm forumtarded. I was told to put the thread in the Need For Speed section as wizilla informed you on. Sorry about that.

Okay guys, just a little update. Things are going a little slower than planned. Had to cancel the exhaust appointment and decided to do a few other things. I have been busy with end of semester assignments and exams and working full time also. But I just want to update you guys on what is going on. I've done a few things while I've been free.

I mounted my Mocal oil pump, ran my return line to the engine, and put together my oil feed line which isn't installed until the turbo is mounted. Here are a few pictures of the oil setup. And in my write-up about how to do the rear-mount build, I will explain and include pictures on what to do :D (it's really easy).


Mocal oil pump before mounted.


The turbo with feed line on the left and return line setup on the right.


The pump is mounted, and the oil return line is setup and ran into the engine bay. I also ran the wiring into the car and will connect it live when the build is setup.


Welded exhaust inlet and exhaust outlet piping 2 1/4" so the exhaust shop can connect to it. I will let the exhaust shop also install the Wastegate at the same time. I am considering using hangars to support the weight of the turbo.


These are the hangars:

So that is what I've basically got done so far, I have been kind of distracted with life so sorry about the delay. I just wanted to let you guys know and prove I am still intact with the project. Been putting miles on my SRT4. The explorer has just been sitting. /: I'm back at it though, now I just have to take it to the exhaust shop.

Any questions.. Feel free to ask. Again- sorry for the delay. Also, I have been writing the "how-to" as I go along. :D

Subscribed! :popcorn:

Today I mounted the turbo. Right now, I am using some zip ties to help support the turbo on the compressor side until I get the piping done. The oil lines are in their destinations, but not installed into the engine compartments yet. The reason I have not done this, is because the turbo is not running, and therefor what is the point of running the turbo's oil system?

My schedule is.. Christmas Day, the explorer will be boosting at 3 pounds. I still have a few things I need to do before I bump up on the boost. I've been talking to James, owner of Henson Performance, and he will be doing the tuning.

. However, here is a few shots of it mounted. You cannot even tell it has a turbo in the back, however, you can see the return line a little bit.


You can see the return line, a little bit.

also.. Car is dirty.. It has been basically just sitting in that same spot. /:

Holding the turbo, these are only on the hot side right now.

As you can see, there is a little rust already on the hot side. Any recommendations on how to help prevent this problem? I was thinking.. Maybe a turbo shield?


Looking good :)

Looks good! I can't wait to see the results.

The oil return line is terrifying though. I'd find a new way to route that with an elbow.

As you can see, there is a little rust already on the hot side. Any recommendations on how to help prevent this problem? I was thinking.. Maybe a turbo shield?

BBQ paint? I use it to paint headers and other exhaust pieces on my bugs.

Sadly guys, I am removing the whole system. Tonight I got into a pretty bad accident and tore the left side of my car apart. My main focus right now is the body damage. I will post pictures tomorrow.. Consider this project on hold for me.

I am not sure in a dollar amount of damages, but I can tell you that my hood is pretty scratched (paint), a trail leading all the way t the left taillight of scratches, door has 2 dents along with dents in the window seal, and i completely lost my driver side mirror.

Also,there was no damage done to the engine, turbo, oil lines, etc. I just want my explorer back to the way it was, clean. And I need to sacrifice my turbo setup for now, to fix this.

I hate to drive my SRT in the winter, the traction completely sucks compared to the AWD. /: Wish me luck.



I'm looking at ~2000$ to paint and fix. Trust me looks worse in person.

I am saving the rear-mount setup, maybe will install later on.. As I said, I rather have the body looking good than sounding like a semi and pulling like a jet. :p

So right now, this is what I am working in..


Taking the oil feed system out. And putting it back to stock.


Sorry. That's really bad news. Working in the snow is Crap also.
Yes, we can see just by the number of panels damaged its gonna ingredients to be expensive to fix. So, I'm guessing insurance isn't an option on this.

Any chance of a front quarter and door in good shape at the wreckers?

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I talked to a good friend of mine yesterday who has a degree in auto body, and he said he'd fix the paint and dents for 1300$, but we will have to wait until summer.

I did consider a trip to a yard, to see what they have there. But, I think I am only going there to get the taillights, headlights, A-Pillar, and possibly a mirror (if I can find a heated and power).

I am also taking my 2" lowering kit off and taking it back to stock height, I already ordered the parts from ford.

And yeah, insurance isn't really an option. Especially cause I only have liability. I actually just switched over the insurance 3 days prior to the accident.
