New Owner '13 Ford Explorer LTD 4x4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Owner '13 Ford Explorer LTD 4x4


Well-Known Member
February 8, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Upstate NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Ford Explorer LTD
Hello everyone,

Just came back from my local Ford dealer from signing on a 2013 Ford Explorer LTD 4x4 (302A with panoramic sunroof and 20" polished aluminum wheels) White Platinum Metallic Tri-coat on Light Stone.

It's an out of area dealer relocate so I should have it sometime early next dependent on the snow storm :)splat:)..... super excited!

I'm coming from an Infiniti EX35 (think pocket rocket).

Quick photo at the dealer before snowing.
Better photo shoot to follow once weather cooperates.


:thumbsup: :party: :dpchug:

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I like the white color with the light interior, looks really clean and luxurious

Hello everyone,

Just came back from my local Ford dealer from signing on a 2013 Ford Explorer LTD 4x4 (302A with panoramic sunroof and 20" polished aluminum wheels) White Platinum Metallic Tri-coat on Light Stone.

It's an out of area dealer relocate so I should have it sometime early next dependent on the snow storm :)splat:)..... super excited!

I'm coming from an Infiniti EX35 (think pocket rocket).

:thumbsup: :party: :dpchug:
Welcome to the Forum Richard.:wavey:
That is what mine looks like as well, minus add-ons.
I love the moonroof in that it brightens the interior and adds a feeling of 'openess' as well. I have had mine almost 2 years and have never had the shade closed. Favourite feature is the Adaptive Cruise Control.:thumbsup:

If you add the model and year to your vehicle specs in your profile it should show in the left hand column and that info would be very helpful when members reply to any future concerns/questions you may have.


Thanks everyone.

@peterk9: I will be sure to enter the car info, thanks!

Is it next week yet?

Hello everyone,

Just came back from my local Ford dealer from signing on a 2013 Ford Explorer LTD 4x4 (302A with panoramic sunroof and 20" polished aluminum wheels) White Platinum Metallic Tri-coat on Light Stone...

Congratulations R1chard; sounds like you got yourself a beauty! I'll look forward to seeing some pictures once your Explorer comes home. While you're waiting for the newest addition to your garage, use this badge to rep your ride online:


She's here!! :eek::thumbsup:

Quick photo at the dealer before snowing. Better photo shoot to follow once weather cooperates.

She's here!! :eek::thumbsup:

Quick photo at the dealer before snowing. Better photo shoot to follow once weather cooperates.
That's great R1chard.:thumbsup::thumbsup: I hope she's everything you hoped for. Happy motoring.:dpchug:

