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Nice Electrician, that winch mount/brushguard looks really beefy.

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I'm loving the lights in the grille, Ronin. Very cool.

New rubber!

Just installed the new Treadwright Guard Dogs. 245/75/16. They were mounted on the Goodyear Wrangler carcasses with Silent Armor (Kevlar I believe) These things are definitely worth it. They handle great so far (including near monsoon rain) as well as give the Ex a much better stance and look. Its kinda hard to tell in the picture, but the truck sits a bit higher and the tires look larger in person. Also did a bit of exhaust work this weekend. Replaced the muffler with a cheap Thrush Turbo and a turn down, it actually sounds pretty good.



Very nice.


Optional on-board trip computer. Connecting to the OBD port.

details please! is this a custom piece or an oem option of some kind? also what kid of OBD display is that?


nice setup your family has. Where did you get the subwoofer box from?? custom made??

where they sell the crops? are great! thanks friend

where they sell the crops? are great! thanks friend

Here's my 08 4.0 4x4 X. Nothing special yet. I'll have owned it for 2 years in November. Just got the Nitto Terra Grapplers 265/70/16 on stock wheels and stock suspension if your wondering, and it rides nice. These are probaply my first mods I've done to my rig:eek:. Ive been busy modding my Stang the past few years, but thats done soon so I can start on the X. Have to do one project at a time:D

This will be my next mod:)

Go for it! Very easy to do:) if you have any questions let me know

True true but your saving like $75 if you paint your self


Where did you get the skid plate from?

That's the stock skid plate I took off the thin brush guard thing cause it was falling off little bit so I said screw it took it off and that's my skid plate it's just like a rubber price you probably have the same thing on yours

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That's the stock skid plate I took off the thin brush guard thing cause it was falling off little bit so I said screw it took it off and that's my skid plate it's just like a rubber price you probably have the same thing on yours

Yeah it's just an air deflector, like the one that's mounted to the bumper that you removed. My truck had it too but I took it off when I made a metal skidplate to fit there.
