UK Meeting This Sat 19 June! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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UK Meeting This Sat 19 June!


Active Member
September 24, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Surrey, England
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT
UK owners three of us are meeting at Stonehenge this saturday at midday, Fancy coming along, wash and polish the EX and bring it, have a pint and lets check our cars out and talk Explorer!

Try and make it- we may make it a regular event!!

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All three of you.....sounds like you rounded up ALL of the Uk owners...*sigh*

Man, I wish I could make an Explorer meet at Stonehenge!!! Now that would be a "Serious Exploration:" :D

Rick said:
Man, I wish I could make an Explorer meet at Stonehenge!!! Now that would be a "Serious Exploration:" :D


*purchases ticket for the seat next to Rick*

I Would Love To Come But Unfortunately I Have Got To Work This
Please Let Me Know A Bit More In Advance Next Time.

Lets see who can get theirs the cleanest

Dead Link Removed

Very sweet, just curious, are there rgt hand drive EXs?
My Bad, just went to your site, right hand drive is way cool once you get used to it, my first car was a mini cooper S,shifting took some practice but man you could take right hand turns like a pro racer, just look out the window at the curb, have a nice meet

Be sure to post some pics of your Xs climbing the big rocks there. Probably best done at midnight w/a druid spotter.

Just so you know. You can search the member list for people in the UK by doing an advanced search in the members area

Type UK in the city,state line (the country line is brand new and most people haven't added info to that field). You will come up with all entries in the UK plus as an added bonus any US city or state that happens to have those two letters next to each other :) Oh well... better then nothing :D

Rick that will not work, needs to be fixed ASAP, :banghead: I could not find any Ukrainian ex owners, pls take care of this

one RHD explorer

Shame I have got to work Saturday, but hopefully there will be others I can attend.

And the result of the meeting........


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Looks just like any meeting here in the U.S cept your steering wheels are mounted wrong, looks like a great time had by all.
They have any sport tracs in the mother country? Thx for the pics
Regards, B

:thumbsup: That's great! I'm glad you guys could get together. Any shots from behind the Explorers looking towards Stonehenge, or can't you see it from the parking area?

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Unfortunately you can't see it from the carpark and because its a protected site you can't get that close either. But here are some more pics for ya.


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