the X so far | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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the X so far

In the rear non at all
In the front just a very small amount on the inside end of the bumper I mean very minimal but like I said I hit frame at full lock until I used spacers and now at full lock I graze the sway bar

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In the rear non at all
In the front just a very small amount on the inside end of the bumper I mean very minimal but like I said I hit frame at full lock until I used spacers and now at full lock I graze the sway bar

Alright thanks

I grabbed today at the junk yard a stock trans cooler but not the lines since it was closing soon after I remembered to grab a cooler I had a huge list of parts to grab for a few people plus myself and being I went to Harry's u pull it the largest junk yard in the world I was all over the place it's like my toy store
So my questions are this
1 can I purchase new trans cooler lines?
2 some models have the headliner display for temp and garage door button
Can I wire that up to mine and have the display work?
3 can I get the radio buttons to work on a long console if I install it in mine or just the heat vents ?

The overhead thing, grab the harness with it and try to grab a auto dim rear view mirror while your at it, all that plus the sun visors light up mirrors use the same harness and it runs down the driver side a pillar and between the side of the dash and the body, you will need long needle nose or you can take stuff apart till you get to the plug, not sure on the console you may need some of the dash harness

When I grab the harness off the donor truck will I have the plug for it already in my truck?

While I was packin for my move tonight I stumbled across some old LEDs I had and threw them in the X to light up the floor boards





Had an idea after work
Since I had an extra set of stock fog lights and roof cross bar I decided to make a light bar an hr later here it is




When I grab the harness off the donor truck will I have the plug for it already in my truck?

The overhead stuff, yea the plug is a pain to get to but IMO its worth the effort,

Great thanks that'll be added to my junk yard shoppin list

Installed and painted a billet grill and replaced head lights


Happy holidays

Just bought the wife an audi a6 so the X is officaly my toy

My question is I've done my share of searching and I plan on doing a SOA but what is the best way to get that front up

Also is there any one that has pics of a SOA w just a TT so I can see how drastic it is on 32's

For an idea of it look at Project Iceberg and you'll see pics of it with just the SOA

Them damn rear hatch shock mnts broke off so I got fed up w it seeing that the stock brackets are spot welded on and have a support piece behind the sheet metal so here's what I did and it works great

Lower mount drilled out bracket and shock

Top drilled out shock and through bracket straight through hatch

Outside view I removed the trim piece on each side and cut as needed for bolt

All and all it doesn't look bad at all and works great I'll be painting the bolt heads tho and I also used silicone to prevent water seepage

dingmans ferry PA? youre about 15 mins away from me lol. the X looks good btw.

You don't work in susex do ya I see an x looms like mine e near the advaceb auto and thanks

Installed some LEDs under the X to see the terrain and to light it up when I need to look at anything at night and added a light under the hood since I've never had o e on the X




What kind of lights did you use underneath? Pucks? Strips?



One under the hood 3 down each side and 1 in front and back
I got 20 of them linked together but they can be cut and wired separate or to space them accordingly I got them off cl kid has them in a few colors but I got bright white they are for advertising signs I don't k kW where they can be purchased at

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Slapped on some LDS to the side view mirrors ran them to the blinkers

