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2003 Explorer overheating


July 28, 2006
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Year, Model & Trim Level
94 4.0 4WD
Ok I asked a question the other day and yall helped me fix the it. Now I got another problem. The explorer runs but it's starting to overheat. It started all of a sudden. It runs and drives fine but just overheats. I'm going to do a compression test tomorrow, and do some more checking. The fan clutch feels weak so I want to put one on there tomorrow. But with it sitting there idling. It will do fine and then all of a sudden it will just shoot up to hot. Just real quick and as soon as you turn it off and crank it back up its back to normal and then after it runs for about 4-5 minutes it will just shoot up to hot. I was hoping it was just the gauge but as soon as you turn it off it will bubble and steam out of the recovery tank. Any ideas of something we can check?

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Your clutch is probably fine, if you replace it get another motorcraft one. Autopart store fan clutches are junk. Sounds like thermostat, plugged radiator, air pocket stuck in the system, or maybe even water pump impeller came off the shaft.

You might also want to check the temp sensor resistance values vs temp and make sure it's not bad.

If sensor checks out I'd start with bleeding system and new stat. If your petcock drains super slow then your radiator is probably clogged.

Edit: nevermind about the sensor I didn't see the part about it boiling over.

The fan clutch should stop almost immediately when spinning it. After market Hayden clutches are fine.

The temp will stay in the normal range upto about 230 degrees. At 240 degrees the needle will suddenly peg out at high.

The fan clutch should stop almost immediately when spinning it. After market Hayden clutches are fine.

The temp will stay in the normal range upto about 230 degrees. At 240 degrees the needle will suddenly peg out at high.

If you like reduced fuel economy. The Hayden severe duty or whatever they're called found at most parts houses stay engaged.

Here's the ford procedure:






Thanks guys! It was the thermostat! Changed it and flushed the radiator out and nothing but mud came out. Thanks for everything. And thanks Cross6 for the Ford Procedure. I will save that.

Did anyone service the cooling system that you know of? Mud sounds like GM coolant.

Sounds like someone maybe put stop leak in it. Stop leak + golden G-05 coolant makes tan/reddish clay looking mud.

Did anyone service the cooling system that you know of? Mud sounds like GM coolant.

Dexcool :thumbdwn: Buddy of mine put that in his fox body mustang back in the day when dexcool was the hot new thing. Coated everything in sludge. Block had to be flushed and cooling system replaced.

Sounds like someone maybe put stop leak in it. Stop leak + golden G-05 coolant makes tan/reddish clay looking mud.

Dexcool :thumbdwn: Buddy of mine put that in his fox body mustang back in the day when dexcool was the hot new thing. Coated everything in sludge. Block had to be flushed and cooling system replaced.

That's because he didn't flush the block right. That was his fault, not DexCool. GM uses DexCool and you CAN NOT mix it with any thing else. Or else it sludge's up and makes mud. Also, NO AIR. DexCool will react with air if you have air in your system for a long amounts of time and do the same thing...

I changed out the DexCool in our 07 Suburban the right way and its just fine...

That's because he didn't flush the block right. That was his fault, not DexCool. GM uses DexCool and you CAN NOT mix it with any thing else. Or else it sludge's up and makes mud. Also, NO AIR. DexCool will react with air if you have air in your system for a long amounts of time and do the same thing...

I changed out the DexCool in our 07 Suburban the right way and its just fine...

Right, dexcool will sludge when coolant level is low and/or air in the system. It also eats paper intake gaskets and timing cover gaskets...

So lets see, let's design a coolant that eats gaskets and causes coolant leaks, and also turns to sludge when you have a coolant leak. Brilliant. Good job GM.

I could go on about bashing Ford, they ain't near perfect either. I am actually upset that I have to worry about the tranny now... People were surprised when someone said that their factory tranny is fine at only 89,000 miles! WHAT??? Our 2005 Kia with 200K (now scrapped), never had a tranny service in its life, ran great. 07 Suburban with 140K, flushed once, and tows, is great... But Ford, "WOW, you got 90K out of yours, lucky!" AH! That is not what I want!

Sorry about that, but every company has bad sides to it. GM, Ford, Chrysler.. All have great faults...

I could go on about bashing Ford, they ain't near perfect either. I am actually upset that I have to worry about the tranny now... People were surprised when someone said that their factory tranny is fine at only 89,000 miles! WHAT??? Our 2005 Kia with 200K (now scrapped), never had a tranny service in its life, ran great. 07 Suburban with 140K, flushed once, and tows, is great... But Ford, "WOW, you got 90K out of yours, lucky!" AH! That is not what I want!

Sorry about that, but every company has bad sides to it. GM, Ford, Chrysler.. All have great faults...

187K on my 2004 explorer transmission, and I tow light trailers. No problems.

212K on my 90 Ranger A4LD transmission, no problems.

Put 250K on a 4R70W, no problems.

I don't doubt some people experience early tranny failures, and some fords are more prone than others. But it's not guaranteed or even super common.

If you want to talk about Ford bonehead moves, yeah there's plenty. Like no tranny dipstick or fill tube. :thumbdwn: I bet many of these burnt up explorer trannies are from driving around with low fluid for 30K miles and not knowing it.

187K on my 2004 explorer transmission, and I tow light trailers. No problems.

212K on my 90 Ranger A4LD transmission, no problems.

Put 250K on a 4R70W, no problems.

I don't doubt some people experience early tranny failures, and some fords are more prone than others. But it's not guaranteed or even super common.

If you want to talk about Ford bonehead moves, yeah there's plenty. Like no tranny dipstick or fill tube. :thumbdwn: I bet many of these burnt up explorer trannies are from driving around with low fluid for 30K miles and not knowing it.

Mind if we move this conversation over to "Serious Transmission Question"? I don't want to thread jack...

But are serious? My 3rd GEN Explorer does NOT have a dipstick??? I am concerned about what I read, my new Explorer has 63K all stock... Again, mind if we move this conversation?
