2016 - 2018 Explorer Headlight Question | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2016 - 2018 Explorer Headlight Question

Thanks for the assist with getting my images uploaded. They are in the post now.

PeterK9 - I understand that the LED/HID conversions may not be DOT approved, but the extra light downrange at night is far better than the stock incandescent bulbs. There shouldn't be any concern with glare or blinding - since these are high beams only. The only ones being blinded are those suicidal deer or squirrels that may venture out in my path!:eek:


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Thanks for the assist with getting my images uploaded. They are in the post now.

PeterK9 - I understand that the LED/HID conversions may not be DOT approved, but the extra light downrange at night is far better than the stock incandescent bulbs. There shouldn't be any concern with glare or blinding - since these are high beams only. The only ones being blinded are those suicidal deer or squirrels that may venture out in my path!:eek:


Looks great! More pics of them in the daylight with the headlights on also for comparison? Thanks for sharing!

More pics of them in the daylight with the headlights on also for comparison?

Here you go. First pic with the headlights on without the high beams...


  • Explorer-2.jpg
    55.9 KB · Views: 1,070

And one with both the headlights and high beams on...

Note - the attached picture shows a bit of yellow in the high beams. That is just an anomaly with the image. The high/low beams are matched very closely.



  • Explorer-3.jpg
    54.6 KB · Views: 1,077

If your pictures are what you got, here is a better description.
New 2016 Platinum owner here! We just picked up our Ruby Red gem on New Year's eve. Spent New Year's reviewing this site for the latest information. I have to admit - the high beams are a bit lacking the oomph needed for our Whidbey Island rural roads. I had a pair of 9005 LEDs in the garage and swapped them out this afternoon.




They match the color of the LED low beams perfectly!


Not the best picture, but you can see that the color of the Low/High combination are matched and the LED High Beams are REALLY BRIGHT.

The swap took about 30 minutes on each side. Simply because there is barely enough room for my hands to get to the bulbs. The new LEDs have a big heat-sink, but everything fits into the housing with the rubber cover attached - JUST!

I really like the new ride and I am glad to be part of the forum.

And one with both the headlights and high beams on...

Note - the attached picture shows a bit of yellow in the high beams. That is just an anomaly with the image. The high/low beams are matched very closely.


Wow that looks fantastic!! I need to buy this. How much did these set you back again? I want to make sure I buy the exact same thing.

very interested, if for nothing else to match color wise.

The link that DubbsFaris posted are the ones that I purchased - but they are out of stock. I got mine from VLEDs a couple of years ago, but I don't see them there anymore either.:(


I like the eBay pricing a whole lot more... just curious on life on eBay units sometimes.

HOEN used to make color match bulbs for common sized - well common german, EU sized.

but their 4300K color was dead on, bright, and very useful. simple bulb replacement.

HOEN used to make color match bulbs for common sized - well common german, EU sized.

but their 4300K color was dead on, bright, and very useful. simple bulb replacement.

Off topic but I love your sig quote! My gas pedal made me speed.

Hi All,

Thanks for sharing your experience on how to improve a very poor high beam in Explorer 2016. I am trying to find HB3 9005 LED kit and discovered that different URLs in this thread refer to a slightly different bulbs. What are the exact specification? W, V, K, lm?

TorchStar has two 9005 LED bulbs. I am not sure if both fit well.

The one on the right was already mentioned in this thread, the other one on the left seems to be slightly different..

Hi All,

Thanks for sharing your experience on how to improve a very poor high beam in Explorer 2016. I am trying to find HB3 9005 LED kit and discovered that different URLs in this thread refer to a slightly different bulbs. What are the exact specification? W, V, K, lm?

Thank you in advance!
Welcome to the Forum. :wavey:


Welcome to the Forum. :wavey:


Thank you Peter!

I did my research and found out that TorchStar seems to be the best fit for the job. Based on all the feedback from all of you guys on this forum and in the internet. My only question is if anyone tried to fit in this 9005 model in Explorer 2016...

I found that Amazon.ca has these available and am tempted to buy... :)

Thank you Peter!

I did my research and found out that TorchStar seems to be the best fit for the job. Based on all the feedback from all of you guys on this forum and in the internet. My only question is if anyone tried to fit in this 9005 model in Explorer 2016...

I found that Amazon.ca has these available and am tempted to buy... :)

Might have to be the tester for the rest of us lol.

Can you post which bulbs(brand & model#) you used? Since you are very pleased with your results...

I have not installed new bulbs yet, but a lot of folks on the thread did and results were great! Please look through to find out the model and manufacturer :)

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