Stalled in park??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stalled in park???


Well-Known Member
January 11, 2015
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City, State
Mount dora , Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 explorer xlt 4x4
So was driving around pulled up to a friends house waiting on her to come out so I put it in park and the explorer turned off...... It started right back up I revved it and it idled fine, could this be a dirty sensor or am
I looking into something a lot worse...

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Did you hit any puddles or anything beforehand?

I recently went to a drive through wash where it sprays the undercarriage, and my Explorer kept stalling when idling. Started and ran fine everytime right after, but if it idled for about 30 seconds without giving it any gas, it would shut off as if I turned the key off. (Just stop running, not sputter or anything)

Once it dried up about 20 minutes later, it was perfectly fine. I wouldnt worry about it unless it keeps happening. I know some of my wires under the hood have cracks in the insulation so they can short out or get water in them which isnt good. Very common problem in the 4th gens.

Funny that you mention that. I was feeling lazy so I went to the car wash but it happened 2 hours later of constant driving. And now today I pull out of my driveway drive 20 seconds down the road and then I hear a **** ton of dinging as if the explorer was gonna blow up and the message center said service rsc with traction control blinking but I shifted to neutral and turned it off and back on and haven't seen it since then. This **** is getting weird and starting to piss me off

Check the tone rings on your axles. Sounds like one or more could be broken. That's what the system monitors on each axle/cv shaft to make sure the wheels are spinning at the same speed.

On my Edge, both the front two had water seep under them and freeze then it cracked so the tone ring spun freely on the axle instead of with the axle. Had to limp home doing about 20 mph. It would kick my traction control on to the point where the car would almost stop, it would make grinding noises, then eventually the AWD system disabled itself, wrench light, brake light and other lights came on in the dash.

This is the tone ring in case you didn't know what I was talking about

It was a one time thing just like the stall. I swear this explorer will #### up once then never again and it's getting really weird. I was driving transmission made a weird ass noise then never again and it's a brand new transmission.

I hear you on that, a couple weeks back, mine shuddered real bad when I was on my way to work. Downshifted and then the wrench light came on, and it shifted hard as a rock. After restarting it it's been fine since.

I abuse the crap out of my truck, whether it be off roading, mudding, sand, deep snow, deep streams... never had this problem with mine.

Tranny though is a known problem with ALL explorers. Mine has been rebuilt just a year ago and the wrench light comes on every time I come on the freeway. But before it was rebuilt it felt like a bomb went off everytime from 1-2 and 2-3. And shifting into reverse would take as long as 5 seconds. And of course it was a hard shift.

I abuse the crap out of my truck, whether it be off roading, mudding, sand, deep snow, deep streams... never had this problem with mine.

Tranny though is a known problem with ALL explorers. Mine has been rebuilt just a year ago and the wrench light comes on every time I come on the freeway. But before it was rebuilt it felt like a bomb went off everytime from 1-2 and 2-3. And shifting into reverse would take as long as 5 seconds. And of course it was a hard shift.

**** before mine was rebuilt it was flawless just the old radiator got to it.....:mad:

Just a thought, but have you checked the transmission connector to make sure that it is seated correctly and none of the pins on it are corroded. The AC drain likes to drain condensate down on to the connector on these vehicles and over time it can cause the connectors to have bad pin connections.

Just a thought, but have you checked the transmission connector to make sure that it is seated correctly and none of the pins on it are corroded. The AC drain likes to drain condensate down on to the connector on these vehicles and over time it can cause the connectors to have bad pin connections.

I recall reading that was only on the 4.6, is that true or it is both engines?

Transmission has been plugged in for a year and has been submerged in water before without that kind of problem. I'm treating this as a ghost because it's failed to happen again , no pending codes where shown so idk

I recall reading that was only on the 4.6, is that true or it is both engines?
It can happen on either transmission since it is related to the AC condensate drain location and how the water can run down the bell housing and onto the transmission connector.
