Car shudders when turning steering wheel while stopped | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Car shudders when turning steering wheel while stopped


Well-Known Member
August 14, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Meridian, Idaho
Year, Model & Trim Level
07 XLT V6
Im happy to be driving my 2nd gen 5.0 around, it's been a slow going process since February. I'm still on the fence about repairing a couple of oil leaks (pan seal and rear main seal) I now have a transmission jack and shop crane so I've got the tools if I decide to pull the trigger on it. However I did try some bars stop leak and at first I didn't think it was helping but now that I've been driving it a little more it seems to have a least slowed the leak.
Anyway, back on topic, I noticed yesterday for the first time that when I'm stopped and idling if I turn the steering wheel either direction far enough the car starts to shake fairly hard until I hit the gas and start going. I suspect the motor mounts might be bad but I'm also wondering if it could be the power steering pump going out too. The steering wheel isn't stiff when you're making a turn, it feels okay for an older AWD vehicle, doesn't make any suspicious noises either. Anyone know what might be causing my ex to shake when I turn the wheel while stationary.

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Change the power steering fluid.

Change the power steering fluid.
That was going to be my next move, I have no idea how long it's been in there. I just changed the PS fluid on my 07 EX and it looked terrible after being in there for 10 years. I can only hope that at some point one of the previous owners had the system flushed... but I doubt it :dunno:. I'll try that out and see if the helps. Thanks

TIP: If you've ever turned the wheel with the engine not running you've sucked air into the the P/S system. This makes the the steering wheel shake violently when turning. To purge the air out, with the engine running turn the steering wheel from lock-to-lock 6-8 times.

That's a nice looking Explorer!

TIP: If you've ever turned the wheel with the engine not running you've sucked air into the the P/S system. This makes the the steering wheel shake violently when turning. To purge the air out, with the engine running turn the steering wheel from lock-to-lock 6-8 times.
Thanks, Ill try that, I'm going to use the turkey baster method to clean it out. I'll be sure to rotate the steering wheel back and forth as I change the fluid.

That's a nice looking Explorer!
Thanks! I picked it up for $400, needed a ton of work and I still have a little ways to go but it's coming together nicely, luckily the body and paint was in good shape other than the black paint on the doors and rear gate. The 2nd gens are nice solid rigs especially with the v8.

If not using Mercon V make sure to use a high quality power steering fluid. Changing it in my last V8 made the wheels smoother, and quieted the whiny Ford pump. Many debates here on ps fluid vs Mercon V. I’ve used both with good results. Nothing wrong with going the ps fluid route, again just don’t cheap out and buy the bargain basement stuff.

If not using Mercon V make sure to use a high quality power steering fluid. Changing it in my last V8 made the wheels smoother, and quieted the whiny Ford pump. Many debates here on ps fluid vs Mercon V. I’ve used both with good results. Nothing wrong with going the ps fluid route, again just don’t cheap out and buy the bargain basement stuff.

I was gonna say use Mercon v only
you beet me to it that's what the shop manual says
Not sure about ps fluid but Merion v has more detergent in it and keeps the seals soft to
You can use a mighty vac to suck the air out under a vacuum on the reservoir

I was gonna say use Mercon v only
you beet me to it that's what the shop manual says
Not sure about ps fluid but Merion v has more detergent in it and keeps the seals soft to
You can use a mighty vac to suck the air out under a vacuum on the reservoir
I use Mercon V myself. It’s just easier for me.

Im happy to be driving my 2nd gen 5.0 around, it's been a slow going process since February. I'm still on the fence about repairing a couple of oil leaks (pan seal and rear main seal) I now have a transmission jack and shop crane so I've got the tools if I decide to pull the trigger on it. However I did try some bars stop leak and at first I didn't think it was helping but now that I've been driving it a little more it seems to have a least slowed the leak.
Anyway, back on topic, I noticed yesterday for the first time that when I'm stopped and idling if I turn the steering wheel either direction far enough the car starts to shake fairly hard until I hit the gas and start going. I suspect the motor mounts might be bad but I'm also wondering if it could be the power steering pump going out too. The steering wheel isn't stiff when you're making a turn, it feels okay for an older AWD vehicle, doesn't make any suspicious noises either. Anyone know what might be causing my ex to shake when I turn the wheel while stationary.
Hello, you know my vehicle does the same thing, it only does that while in idle turning from left to right before I pull off. I'm wondering what it could be as well???

TIP: If you've ever turned the wheel with the engine not running you've sucked air into the the P/S system. This makes the the steering wheel shake violently when turning. To purge the air out, with the engine running turn the steering wheel from lock-to-lock 6-8 times.

The power steering fluid is probably aerated meaning air in the system and the fluid foams up. Let it settle down top it off and try again. Changing the power steering fluid is easier then the Turkey Bastet method on these, they have a power steering cooler down low. Just remove the lower hose and let the system drain out there. The power steering reservoir can then be remove from the truck (two hoses and 3ea 8mm screws) there is a filter inside the reservoir that can be cleaned with carb cleaner. Let it dry and re install
Re hook up cooler and Add new fluid
Jack front tires off the ground and with engine running go lock to lock with the steering wheel, this is how you bleed the air out and change most of the fluid with a now clean filter

I should add
Do the bleeding slowly at first
Because air is in the lines and in the system
If you go too quickly you can aerate the fluid again. It gets tiny tiny bubbles and acts like a foam makes it impossible to
Bleed out all the air. You have to let it settle and repeat
I learned this recently! Stupid truck hahaha
