over driver light blinking | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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over driver light blinking

February 20, 2018
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City, State
New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 explorer spo Utility
I was coming home and the last 10 miles my over drive light started to blink. I had 10 miles left to my house of 60 miles i drove. I was going though a town at 30 mile a hour when it started to blink. When i got to where it was 55 mph again it would shift into over drive just stayed in 3rd gear. When i went to pass someone it shift into 2nd gear but wouldn't shift back into 3rd. It shift back to 3rd after i put the shiftier in neutral and back into drive while moving. Than it shifted into overdrive and it work just fine but the overdrive light kept blinking. I check for codes and there none. I drove it a today and it work just fine. I know my shiftier on it has a bad bushing in it so you have to put in neutral to start it and had to slam it into park to lock the transmission to keep it from rolling. The trans fluid was change a in 2016 by a garage. it's in the service records for this. I look online something about a shift solenoid on outside of trans that sticks that might be the cause, But won't it not work every time you drive it. wondering if anybody else had a idea what it could be. Thanks for the help.

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Thinking about moving the over drive switch. Moving it to the dash. Every time i move or even touch the shiftier the over drive light will shut off. It did it when i hit a bump on the road. What color wires do i need to fine for it? I know down the road i want to move the shiftier down to the center consoled. But thats down the road. For now just move the over drive switch.

When the OD light flashes it means that the PCM has tried to activate something related to the automatic transmission and that it has not received confirmation that the action has been successfully completed. The OD light flashing is the indication that something is wrong. You need to use a ODB II scanner capable of reading transmission error codes.

IIRC the OD off drive switch on the shifter just has 2 wires and they're both black. If your wiggling the shift lever has an effect on the OD light, maybe your OD switch wires are loose or shorting out, but typically when it's blinking there's something wrong with the transmission (or t-case if 4WD).

The shiftier is loose and wiggles like hell and at times i don't think it putting it all the way into drive. The shiftier needs new bushings on the shaft . But i get a switch and move the over drive some where on the dash. Light only blink that day because i kept hitting the switch and turning it off and i would turn it back on. So it was jumping in and out of over drive because of the switch. Thanks for the help.

The shiftier is loose and wiggles like hell and at times i don't think it putting it all the way into drive. The shiftier needs new bushings on the shaft . But i get a switch and move the over drive some where on the dash. Light only blink that day because i kept hitting the switch and turning it off and i would turn it back on. So it was jumping in and out of over drive because of the switch. Thanks for the help.

Re the loose shifter handle:
A common problem causing this is that the 2 gold colored torx bolts that hold the shifter on loosen up and can even fall out. Have you checked to make sure these bolts are tight?

No i never check them. I look up there once but to see if this had a cable or rod for the transmission. where the cable is the shiftier is missing a bushing and wiggles there but the other end but the steering wheel is not loose just the end down by the cable.

Below is a photo of the 2 shifter bolts that often loosen up (one gold and one silver in this photo). The bushing does eventually wear out too.


ok thanks i check them to see. My one bushing not even there. The one down where the cable goes on.

I check the bolts they are tight. But both bushing are gone and it starting to wear the metal away from the steering column. So i bought the bushing and going to replace them and that should tighten up the shiftier up.I moved the over drive button to the dash.
