Rear bumper and tire carrier for 99 Sport | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear bumper and tire carrier for 99 Sport

November 26, 2018
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1999 Explorer Sport
I know there were a few custom builders making back bumpers and tire carriers for 2nd Gens but I can't seem to find them with search.
I have a 99 Sport for which I need to get the spare tire situation sorted. It's an Overland build so the roof is occupied by a tent. Interior space is also limited with fridge, kitchen, and personal items for camping.

Does anyone know if there is a rear bumper available from anyone?


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I always thought the rear of the frames were the same from 1991-1999, but I could be wrong. With that, I don't know anyone who makes anything for Explorers. Those of us that have tire mounts on the rear bumpers have made them, or had them made. My neighbor has made up some hitch receiver swing-away tire mounts that look very nice, and allow you to still use the receiver.

Here are a few dozen pages of ideas
Show us your custom bumpers!!

Custom bumpers with tire/gas can carriers have gotten much simpler to fabricate since numerous off-road suppliers make builder parts.

I have looked at a lot of the builder kits. I also contemplated trying to "fit" a JK bumper on the rear like I am doing on the front. My time is just so limited these are types of projects that get dragged out for me and end up getting put off. I took the hitch mounted approach last year when I ran out of time and it did ok until I dragged it up Engineer pass...and then not so much.

I always thought the rear of the frames were the same from 1991-1999, but I could be wrong. With that, I don't know anyone who makes anything for Explorers. Those of us that have tire mounts on the rear bumpers have made them, or had them made. My neighbor has made up some hitch receiver swing-away tire mounts that look very nice, and allow you to still use the receiver.

Here are a few dozen pages of ideas
Show us your custom bumpers!!

Custom bumpers with tire/gas can carriers have gotten much simpler to fabricate since numerous off-road suppliers make builder parts.

The frames are the same, the problem with the 98+ is the lift gate has a bow out, so the tire could sit to close to the gate it a carrier came from a 1st gen.

JP's old tire carrier went on to a 1st gen, which later was purchased by zukman and became MUD

My front bumper is for a XJ because they are the same width as he Explorer up front.

I modified the front of the frame to accept the XJ mounts. Cut the frame off in front of the body mounts then welded a 1/2" thick plate across the ends. Welded tabs to that. You could call a few bumper manufactures and ask them to measure it out for you. When I got my rear bumper from Protofab, that's what I did. They seem to have gone to all Bronco stuff now.
Bronco Bumpers, Roll Cages and other Specialty Parts for 66-96 Bronco -
Rear bumper I made many years ago out of 7"X7"X1/4" thick square beam cut out on the back to mimic the OEM bumper. Swing-away's tire and gas can mounts. If I was to make another one (not), I would go with a much lighter material to keep the weight down. I use the bumper to let me know how far I can back up when off-road.

The 1st Gen lift gate also bows out as well, just not as much.

I found a custom weld shop that makes front and rear bumpers for the first and second gen explorers, go check out They even offer free shipping to the lower 48 states. Im hoping to order a front winch bumper from them at some point.
