Tuner recommendations | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tuner recommendations


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October 22, 2017
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Albuquerque, NM
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Explorer xlt v8 2WD
I have a 1997 explorer 5.0 XLT, I'm looking to get a tuner for it and wondering what is recommended, I've done a cold air intake and aftermarket exhaust and headers


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SCT is likely most user friendly. I use a Tweecer as that is what I started with and it does all I have needed.

I went with sct x4 and a tune from lasota racing

Where did you get your definition from?

SCT is likely most user friendly. I use a Tweecer as that is what I started with and it does all I have needed.

The quote mechanism in this new forum software is very different from the previous. The definition question is for @Blown, who is using a Tweecer and generally would require a base definition that someone has created or sold to allow for tuning the EEC.

Tweecer supports what they support. If it is in their list, they have broken-out the strategy and it comes with the software for free. That's your first step is to see if they support you EEC: The TwEECer -- Ford EEC user programmable module

The Best of Breed in EEC Performance Tuning
We support more than 5000 processors covering 1984 thru 2004. Please select one or more categories to determine whether support for your specific application exists. If there are no search results found, you can email us at info@tweecer.com and we can confirm for you if your application is supported, as there are many EEC-IV calibrations that have yet to be entered into our database.
You can search on the Year AND/OR Model name OR you can search for your specific calibration code (aka catch code). This is NOT a complete list and may contain models that have the unsupported new processors that Ford switched to in 2005. There were some crossovers earlier than 2005. Many of the supported EEC-IV catch codes have not been entered, but we will add them as time permits.

Tweecer supports what they support. If it is in their list, they have broken-out the strategy and it comes with the software for free. That's your first step is to see if they support you EEC: The TwEECer -- Ford EEC user programmable module

The Best of Breed in EEC Performance Tuning
We support more than 5000 processors covering 1984 thru 2004. Please select one or more categories to determine whether support for your specific application exists. If there are no search results found, you can email us at info@tweecer.com and we can confirm for you if your application is supported, as there are many EEC-IV calibrations that have yet to be entered into our database.
You can search on the Year AND/OR Model name OR you can search for your specific calibration code (aka catch code). This is NOT a complete list and may contain models that have the unsupported new processors that Ford switched to in 2005. There were some crossovers earlier than 2005. Many of the supported EEC-IV catch codes have not been entered, but we will add them as time permits.​

I have several TwEECer RT units. I also have a Moates Quarterhorse and several F3 chips. However, I'm used to using TunerPro RT and Binary Editor to make adjustments to the vehicles I have running those J3 devices. I went to the TwEECer webpage you posted a link to and it does support the EQE3 calibration in my REAC4 EEC-V. What software do you use to tune? CalEdit? I stopped using it long ago, but it seems that there's been additional work done on the program.

That is the same strategy my 2000 is. I am using CalEdit, datalogging with CalCon, and added a wide band O2 sensor.

I have not used other tuners so cannot speak to those, though I have heard CalEdit is not as user friendly as others. I have been able to do all I need with the Tweecer RT. Though I think some of the items you should be able to datalog do not work in this strategy.

I picked-up a Tweecer RT used for $150, great deal but no direct support from Tweecer, because you didn't pay for it. I'd like another RT if you have one you are willing to part with. I have not needed it in a while and you probably won't, but there is a support forum specifically for the Tweecer and is free for all. I am here as well for a bit then work will get busy.

I am completing a build and actively tuning here: Will Be Blown Again!
