I am not sure my new rack and pinion fits correctly 2002 XLT 4.6L (pics would help if you have a minute to take one) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I am not sure my new rack and pinion fits correctly 2002 XLT 4.6L (pics would help if you have a minute to take one)


Elite Explorer
October 28, 2011
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer XLT v8

I got the steering column attached to my new rack an pinion. To me, it looks like the lower steering shaft runs too close to the exhaust manifold.

I have attached a picture,


In the attached picture, you can see the orange ring in the center, which is where the lower steering shaft telescopes. You can see that this ring is more or less touching the exhaust manifold. The bellows where the lower shaft attaches to the rack an pinion is close, but not touching. It seems like the spindle where the lower shaft attaches to the rack should be 2" or so lower down (in the picture above).

There is supposed to be a heat shield covering the exhaust manifold but it has fallen apart and I need to figure out how to replace it. I might be able to get a heat shield wedged in there between that orange ring and the manifold, but it seems like there should be more room than that.

Can anyone post pictures of their setup so I can see what it looks like with a stock rack and pinion installed. I used an AC Delco re-manufactured. I understand that you will have much more in the way than I have here. If you could even just let me know how much clearance there is between the orange ring and the heat shield, that would be a big help.

I will play with the telescope length some and see if I can get it to look better.


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I got the steering column attached to my new rack an pinion. To me, it looks like the lower steering shaft runs too close to the exhaust manifold.

I have attached a picture,

View attachment 326169

In the attached picture, you can see the orange ring in the center, which is where the lower steering shaft telescopes. You can see that this ring is more or less touching the exhaust manifold. The bellows where the lower shaft attaches to the rack an pinion is close, but not touching. It seems like the spindle where the lower shaft attaches to the rack should be 2" or so lower down (in the picture above).

There is supposed to be a heat shield covering the exhaust manifold but it has fallen apart and I need to figure out how to replace it. I might be able to get a heat shield wedged in there between that orange ring and the manifold, but it seems like there should be more room than that.

Can anyone post pictures of their setup so I can see what it looks like with a stock rack and pinion installed. I used an AC Delco re-manufactured. I understand that you will have much more in the way than I have here. If you could even just let me know how much clearance there is between the orange ring and the heat shield, that would be a big help.

I will play with the telescope length some and see if I can get it to look better.

Not currently home but when I am I’ll post one up if no one has by then. Sorry for the delay

No hurry, I am spending my New Years Eve sitting here emailing junkyards in Arizona looking for relatively rust-free parts. What a lovely year it has been.


Hope these help, it’s definitely angled towards to header on all of them but yours still looks a tad close compared to mine so not to sure?


it’s got about an inch of clearance at that orange ring

it’s got about an inch of clearance at that orange ring mine looks like it’s got a little less but the heat shied is so rusted it’s ballooned out when it’s pushed back in it’s about an inch you should have.

Thank you for the pictures, they were a big help. The part I have definitely doesn't fit correctly. I have tried to play with the telescope length some but the shaft won't move any further from the manifold than it already is. The spindle is at least 2 inches closer to the engine block than it should be. I have contacted the seller to see if they have any advice on why the part doesn't fit and hopefully they will have something useful to add.

I guess I will have to get a different part but I need to know I am getting the right one this time before I take another lap around the merry-go-round.


Thank you for the pictures, they were a big help. The part I have definitely doesn't fit correctly. I have tried to play with the telescope length some but the shaft won't move any further from the manifold than it already is. The spindle is at least 2 inches closer to the engine block than it should be. I have contacted the seller to see if they have any advice on why the part doesn't fit and hopefully they will have something useful to add.

I guess I will have to get a different part but I need to know I am getting the right one this time before I take another lap around the merry-go-round.

Glad I could help, good luck!

my mechanic replaced mine and said that it was not an easy job.
