Problems with resetting BMS using FORScan | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Problems with resetting BMS using FORScan


Elite Explorer
February 4, 2019
Reaction score
City, State
Livermore, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2018 Explorer Sport 4WD
The stock Motorcraft (650 CCA) battery in my 2018 Explorer has been giving me trouble lately, so I decided to replace it. As I have ham radios in my vehicle, as well as tow a trailer once in a while, I decided to use this opportunity to also upgrade the battery, by replacing it with the slightly-larger-capacity Motorcraft BXT-65-750 version (750 CCA) that is used in the PIU's. The dimensions between the old and the new battery are identical, so fitment was not an issue.

I was then able to go into FORScan and change the "battery type and size" programming to match the higher-capacity PIU battery, by going into the BCM module and changing the first two characters of address 726-04-01 from "21" (650 CCA) to "22" (750 CCA), without any problems, as per the FORScan programming charts. It easily saved this change without any issues.

Knowing that it was a brand-new battery, I then also went into the "Battery Monitoring System Reset" mode, and started the process to reset the monitoring parameters, as recommended... only to have it give me an error message (after only reaching about 1% processing time, as noted on the progress bar at the bottom of the display). The error message that pops-up says, "Service procedure has been interrupted". (See photo).

Repeated tries always get me the same thing, event though communication between the vehicle and my laptop have worked flawlessly... so that does not appear to be a part of the issue. And, I am using the latest version of FORScan on my laptop.

Ironically, I also tried one of those "no-tool-needed" methods listed online (where you flash the high-beams 5 times, then step on the brake pedal 3 times, and if successful, the battery icon on the cluster will flash 3 times when completed)... and THAT appears to have worked, at least!

I am still left wondering, however, as to why I am unable to do this reset via FORScan?

BMS Reset Error Msg.jpg

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The stock Motorcraft (650 CCA) battery in my 2018 Explorer has been giving me trouble lately, so I decided to replace it. As I have ham radios in my vehicle, as well as tow a trailer once in a while, I decided to use this opportunity to also upgrade the battery, by replacing it with the slightly-larger-capacity Motorcraft BXT-65-750 version (750 CCA) that is used in the PIU's. The dimensions between the old and the new battery are identical, so fitment was not an issue.

I was then able to go into FORScan and change the "battery type and size" programming to match the higher-capacity PIU battery, by going into the BCM module and changing the first two characters of address 726-04-01 from "21" (650 CCA) to "22" (750 CCA), without any problems, as per the FORScan programming charts. It easily saved this change without any issues.

Knowing that it was a brand-new battery, I then also went into the "Battery Monitoring System Reset" mode, and started the process to reset the monitoring parameters, as recommended... only to have it give me an error message (after only reaching about 1% processing time, as noted on the progress bar at the bottom of the display). The error message that pops-up says, "Service procedure has been interrupted". (See photo).

Repeated tries always get me the same thing, event though communication between the vehicle and my laptop have worked flawlessly... so that does not appear to be a part of the issue. And, I am using the latest version of FORScan on my laptop.

Ironically, I also tried one of those "no-tool-needed" methods listed online (where you flash the high-beams 5 times, then step on the brake pedal 3 times, and if successful, the battery icon on the cluster will flash 3 times when completed)... and THAT appears to have worked, at least!

I am still left wondering, however, as to why I am unable to do this reset via FORScan?

View attachment 327208
It's because you had your BMS off. I had the same thing just recently when switching to a larger AGM battery. I had previously turned off the BMS...for...I'm not even sure why I did actually... But it kept doing this to me and I eventually remembered I killed the BMS. Once I re-enabled it...all was good with forscan BMS reset.

If that is the case, then how did I turn the BMS off to begin with? I never did so knowingly (nor do I even know how to do that). How did YOU turn it off?

Please advise; thanks!

If that is the case, then how did I turn the BMS off to begin with? I never did so knowingly (nor do I even know how to do that). How did YOU turn it off?

Please advise; thanks!
It may have been off from the factory/not set correctly. Every time I went to read batt status in Forscan it told me an "unidentified battery/battery type not set" since the car was new. So my guess was it was never set or never learned from the factory...? I do not know for sure on this though. But it always said that...and the battery target state of charge was set to 80%...which I also found odd...

I shut it off because my OEM battery was starting to quit and I am a the point of taking months to research and pick a new anything... When you turn it off it stops the load shedding and I BELIEVE (am not sure) it always charges to full/does not use a battery optimization plan.

In Forscan you can turn it off, PWM or one other option which escapes me now but says that one or the other is only for cars with start/stop tech and don't touch I just turned it completely off. Then turned on whichever one didn't say do not change. I'm not in the car now so I can't hook up and tell you exactly. Sry.

Hmmm, I didn't see that kind of batt status in my FORScan... however, when I removed the old battery and put it on my semi-professional charger, it only showed it's state-of-charge as being at 75%, which I thought was odd. I was then able to bring it up to a full charge, using the same charger, after about 30 minutes or so on the charger.

However, it was then that I noticed that the little "eye" (built-in to the top of the battery) was no longer showing "green" anymore, as it always had in the past; instead, it was now showing what appeared to be either an orange or red color. I had never seen that on this battery before, which I always check whenever I do a service on the car... so, something had clearly gone wrong with this battery. Anyway, at least I was able to do the "manual" reset of the BMS, and I'm going to leave it at that for now.

I do THANK YOU for your input; I appreciate the feedback!

Just replaced my original battery with a 750 CCA AGM.

Going to see if I can figure out how to reset the BMS and change to the correct battery.

I am hoping this will fix my issue of all sounds coming from the IPC.

I changed the battery type to AGM 700 CCA. My new battery is 750 CCA. Should I change the BCM to 800 CCA? Just wondering more is better?

I also reset the BMS and letting it sit for 8 hours I should be good.

I am popping popcorn with this thread. I recently changed my battery to an AGM and there is no exact choice of the battery I have, as there are only 3 AGM choices. So which one is better to switch too?

I am popping popcorn with this thread. I recently changed my battery to an AGM and there is no exact choice of the battery I have, as there are only 3 AGM choices. So which one is better to switch too?
That is why I need someone with a higher pay grade than me to answer.

Some FORScan sheets I saw said there is an 800 CCA AGM. But when I was in FORScan yesterday I didn't see that in the Non As Build of the BCM.

I changed the battery type to AGM 700 CCA. My new battery is 750 CCA. Should I change the BCM to 800 CCA? Just wondering more is better?

I also reset the BMS and letting it sit for 8 hours I should be good.
From my understanding, overcharging an AGM severely reduces its life. It is strange that no AGM matches exactly what we can buy for CCA.

Back when I changed the battery on my '14 Explorer, I went from factory group 59 size to a larger group 65 w/850CCA. Group 65 fits fine, I just couldn't put the insulating sleeve from the smaller battery around it. It doesn't get that hot or cold here so I don't mind, didn't bother to seek a larger insulating sleeve. Plus, group 65 is more common and less expensive despite having higher capacity.

I didn't try to program different capacity battery, nor reset BMS, just left it sitting overnight and that's all it took, have had no issues over the last ~3 years running the new battery.
