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dome defeat


March 23, 2006
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Schenectady, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Ford Edge SEL
My sister likes to take her kids to the drive-in with their 2018 Explorer SEL. I have not owned an explorer since my 1998 Sport. Did ford delete the dome defeat from these vehicles too? IS the only option to enable police "Dark car" mode with forscan? In-effect changing the dome from "on with door" to "Off only until switch press"? IT seems a little draconican for the such a thing.

In my 2021 Bronco sport I can override the dome and map lights on the overhead console.


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I don't believe the 5th gen Explorer has switches to turn the interior lights OFF. This is something the 6th gen has added. In earlier 5th gen Explorers you could remove the fuse for the 'Courtesy' lamps. These are the lights that come ON when a door is opened. I believe the only way they will turn OFF is when the Battery Saver program turns them OFF after 10 minutes. But then if a door is opened they will turn ON again. This inability to manually shut them PFF was brought up shortly after this generation came out. Mainly from folks who go to drive-ins.


Any idea what fuse controls interior lamps? I am not seeing it on the PDF owners guide for explorer 2018MY. I only see DEMAND LAMPS/BATTERY SAVER on interior fuse 1.


There doesn't seem to be a fuse for it anymore. I checked as well and should have noted that in my post. The fuse for the "Courtesy" lamps seems to have disappeared along with some others with the 2016 Explorer 'refresh'.
The vehicle has"Demand" lamps and "Courtesy" lamps. The former allows you to manually turn them ON/OFF while the latter ones work with the opening of doors.


I may have to drop the $140 for a 2018MY DVD. Or just $20 for the wiring manual.

Demand sounds like visor and map lights. These used to all be on the same fuse with different switches. Lovely how cars evolve.

I checked the diagram for my 21 Bronco sport as it has dome defeat. The wiring diagram doesn't even detail it any more. Just box with wires now.

Also. I bought the wiring book from ebay. Lovely thing with ford, documentation can be cheap.
$17 for the factory wiring diagram. We'll also set "dark car" on and see if she likes it.


While I wait for the wiring manual, I Pulled up forscsn. I found the following options both disabled and enabled them.
BdyCM - dark car
APIM - Police Dark car.

I enabled both of them and still all the dome/courtesy lights come on when we open the door and the dome button next to the headlight switch doesn't estingish them.

A couple vehicles that have the same BCM setup (as an 18 Explorer) that come to mind and have a dome defeat button in the overhead console are the 15-19 Edge and I believe the same range Fusion has it as well. Would be interesting to just run a wire to the same spot on the BCM and see if you can manually add dome defeat button.

I ordered a wiring diagram for that very reason. I thought dark car would have worked
A couple vehicles that have the same BCM setup (as an 18 Explorer) that come to mind and have a dome defeat button in the overhead console are the 15-19 Edge and I believe the same range Fusion has it as well. Would be interesting to just run a wire to the same spot on the BCM and see if you can manually add dome defeat button.
MY Bronco Sport has a dome defeat in the map light console. The diagram for that is black box with no detail.
I just don't understand the need for this removal.

I ordered a wiring diagram for that very reason. I thought dark car would have worked

MY Bronco Sport has a dome defeat in the map light console. The diagram for that is black box with no detail.
I just don't understand the need for this removal.
The easiest way would be to put a switch in at the battery saver for the dome lights as it comes out of the BCM.


  • Scan210710140649.pdf
    1.5 MB · Views: 102

I was having trouble adding the PDF but it is there now.

Just get a copy of the dealer CD. Should be included free with the car purchase.

I have never seen service DVD with a vehicle purchase.

How ever I found silent mode 5. This accomplished the task of killing the dome with the doors and liftgate . Illuminated entry : defeated. It's unfortunate that Ford decontented the dome defeat.

I’m not saying they normally do. I’m saying I don’t feel bad not buying the authentic cd because of how much the car purchase is.

I ordered a wiring diagram for that very reason. I thought dark car would have worked

MY Bronco Sport has a dome defeat in the map light console. The diagram for that is black box with no detail.
I just don't understand the need for this removal.
It wasn't a removal. The 5th gen Explorer never had it. The ability to turn the interior lights OFF only started with the 6th gen.


It wasn't a removal. The 5th gen Explorer never had it. The ability to turn the interior lights OFF only started with the 6th gen.


Most ford's before the advent of push button dimmer, you could roll the dimmer past the lowest setting to defeat the Dome.

Not to split hares but explorer had a panel dome defeat feature up until 5th gen in 2011.

I am waiting for my sister to let me know if the changes made by enabling silent mode 5 do as she likes, the wiring diagram arrived.
Since she doesn't want wires cut, I looked to see what fuse ran this circuit. I didn't realize the below systems on the same fuse.
- brake shift interlock
- pats
- pcm
- rear lights
- Police turns
- head lamps
- front right fog
-Police right side turn
- right hand mirror
- third row seat
-multi contour seat
- glove box light
-2nd row seat
- vanity mirror



