new to forum, mileage question? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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new to forum, mileage question?


June 18, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
Long Beach
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 XL manual
my 1992 explorer s been garaged for 13 years. looking to reactivate it. how high mileage is too high for a 92 sport manual trans?

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My 93 with manual trans went for 370,000 miles, no engine or drivetrain work other than new clutch and slave, and intake manifold gaskets. Others have gotten higher mileage.
What’s your mileage?
I took the liberty of editing your thread title to help you get responses.
Welcome to the forum!

my 1992 explorer s been garaged for 13 years. looking to reactivate it. how high mileage is too high for a 92 sport manual trans?
Some people get close to half a million miles if the car has been well cared for. I'd replace anything rubber from sitting. You don't really think about the brake lines until your foot sinks to the floor and you need to stop.

I resurrected my '93 after 13 years also. Be sure to clean the whole fuel system of any old gas, It will gum up everything after sitting that long.

I resurrected my '93 after 13 years also. Be sure to clean the whole fuel system of any old gas, It will gum up everything after sitting that long.
Thank you for the advice. I will be sure to do that.

Some people get close to half a million miles if the car has been well cared for. I'd replace anything rubber from sitting. You don't really think about the brake lines until your foot sinks to the floor and you need to stop.
replace brake lines...thank you so much, I am making a check list for the mechanic

Thank you for the advice. I will be sure to do that.
Also, that's very reassuring. I really wish I had not done this to a car that had been through so many hard drives for me

My 93 with manual trans went for 370,000 miles, no engine or drivetrain work other than new clutch and slave, and intake manifold gaskets. Others have gotten higher mileage.
What’s your mileage?
I took the liberty of editing your thread title to help you get responses.
Welcome to the forum!
thank you! it has 223k I'm hoping I can get the mechanic to look at it this week I'm trying to find all my old repair slips because I don't recall a lot about the repair work For some reason I seem to have had to replace the starter a couple 3 times?

I resurrected my '93 after 13 years also. Be sure to clean the whole fuel system of any old gas, It will gum up everything after sitting th
I will add that to the list. It started but the fuel pump doesn't work so that is issue #1.

It's a lot of work, but pull the fuel tank and clean all the old crud out when you install the new fuel pump. I won't say you'll be happy you did, but you'll be happy you did!

it is GOOD that the fuel pump does not work
You do NOT want to pump 13 year old fuel up into the lines and filter and fuel rail
You need to remove all the old fuel
You will have to replace the pump and strainer as well as the rubber lines inside the tank

here is a pump and strainer after sitting for 9 years

installed new pump strainer and lines, as well as fuel filter.....cleaned out fuel tank, now truck runs fantastic


TIt's a lot of work, but pull the fuel tank and clean all the old crud out when you install the new fuel pump. I won't say you'll be happy you did, but you'll be happy you did!
Yep, this week's work was dropping fuel tank, removing gas and cleaning thoroughly, replaced fuel pump and filter. Also, installed new battery. Success on these two. Suspect the fuel injectors may need replacing. Just going to work on cleaning the interior and removing the old headliner until the mechanic has another free day. Thank you so much for the advice.

it is GOOD that the fuel pump does not work
You do NOT want to pump 13 year old fuel up into the lines and filter and fuel rail
You need to remove all the old fuel
You will have to replace the pump and strainer as well as the rubber lines inside the tank

here is a pump and strainer after sitting for 9 years
View attachment 442916

installed new pump strainer and lines, as well as fuel filter.....cleaned out fuel tank, now truck runs fantastic

View attachment 442917
well i wish I had read this earlier as I didn't know about the strainer but maybe my mechanic replaced it, I'm hoping so. I did watch him do a very thorough cleaning. It runs but loses power during idle so he thinks the injectors may need to be replaced. I'm supposed to start it for a few minutes every day until the next work day. Thank you for the photos and advice.

ditto on what others have said. these are solid rigs, theyre the ones that you store in your parents barn, but when your rig breaks down go to their house pull it out warm it up then drive it haha ole fsithful! hard to kill an ohv manual

mileage is just a number ;)

ditto on what others have said. these are solid rigs, theyre the ones that you store in your parents barn, but when your rig breaks down go to their house pull it out warm it up then drive it haha ole fsithful! hard to kill an ohv manual

mileage is just a number ;)
Thanks so much for the encouragement. I really hope I can get it into good condition this summer and take it on a long road trip in the fall. Fingers crossed

Thanks so much for the encouragement. I really hope I can get it into good condition this summer and take it on a long road trip in the fall. Fingers crossed
definitely, these are the ole faithfuls! cant see why it wouldnt be ready for fall haha git to work!

It's a lot of work, but pull the fuel tank and clean all the old crud out when you install the new fuel pump. I won't say you'll be happy you did, but you'll be happy you did!
yep I am glad because this is what the fuel pump looked like


Passed the CA Smog Test today. Have some interior items to work on: finish refabricing the headliner and reinstall, try to remember how my old cassette player works, driver's seat is tearing along seams, door arm rests only 1/2 there so no way to pull it closed. Other issues: tires, temp goes all over the normal range (have replaced the temp sensor), a/c isn't working, doors need adjusting.
I can live without a/c but the temp fluctuations and the tire situation need resolving.
list of items done: battery replaced
fuel tank cleaned, fuel pump replaced, fuel filter replaced
bushings and shocks replaced, u joint replaced
spark plugs and wires replaced
1 bottle of Lucas in fuel
coolant flushed/replaced
did not have to replace fuel injectors (at least yet)
120 miles driven
hours of idling
I love this forum and I've learned so much reading through threads.
As you may have guessed I am not a mechanic but I have one I trust so your guidance really helped.
So once I get tires and the temperature problem resolved this little truck is going on a road trip

Passed the CA Smog Test today. Have some interior items to work on: finish refabricing the headliner and reinstall, try to remember how my old cassette player works, driver's seat is tearing along seams, door arm rests only 1/2 there so no way to pull it closed. Other issues: tires, temp goes all over the normal range (have replaced the temp sensor), a/c isn't working, doors need adjusting.
I can live without a/c but the temp fluctuations and the tire situation need resolving.
list of items done: battery replaced
fuel tank cleaned, fuel pump replaced, fuel filter replaced
bushings and shocks replaced, u joint replaced
spark plugs and wires replaced
1 bottle of Lucas in fuel
coolant flushed/replaced
did not have to replace fuel injectors (at least yet)
120 miles driven
hours of idling
I love this forum and I've learned so much reading through threads.
As you may have guessed I am not a mechanic but I have one I trust so your guidance really helped.
So once I get tires and the temperature problem resolved this little truck is going on a road trip
iw as about to ask how you can live w/o ac then i realized youre in LB not as bad as valley haha

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Yep, if I were still driving out to the desert (Yucca Valley) twice a week I would definitely be in trouble but so far this summer it's been below 90 and I love driving slowly up and down and around the coastline--so beautiful. Thanks for checking out my post!
