I hate'ed to ask, but they fit! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I hate'ed to ask, but they fit!

The wheels I was asking about the other day came in and FIT! I still have to get tires, but the rims fit and have clearance.

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Wow, that's some LOW profile tires on them there wheels! :D

Just kidding, those are nice looking, get some pix when ya get the tires on!

WOW Matt...........You are real young!!:D


BTW: Wheels look real nice

Nice rims

I like:D

those are amazing dude, Matt you have convinced me to save all my money for new rims 18s or 20s... Matt wheres the other little helper? They look amazing even without tires.

Nice looking rims! Looks like they'll be fun to clean though. :D How long for the tires and which ones are you considering?

HOT HOT HOT... better watch out.. other street explorer owners gonna be gettin those now, better put some tires on them soon and show them off quick.. lol
