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cb's any opinions?


Well-Known Member
April 3, 2003
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'95 xlt & 1970 sr-2
i'm looking for a good quality cb. with spring around the corner i hope to be off road soon and would like a way to communicate with other trucks. want a nice cb and antenna and was wondering if anyone has some suggestions.

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I have a rat shack professional cb and am very happy with it...i took one apart from there once and discovered it was a relabeled uniden....don't know if mine is or not. Anyway I have a Wilson Little Will antenna, and its awsome, i'd really really really recomend it, and I think quite a few others would as well.

Good Luck

I've got a Cobra 18 WX ST II that works great. Its got a built in scanner and 10 weather channels.

I'd considering selling it for $55 shipped you're looking now. PM me if interested


I've also got a bullet proof cb antenna mount that I made (but I now have the antenna on the roof) that i'd part with. Its from 1/4" x 2" steel and bolts to the bumper using stock holes. The antenna mount sits at the same height as the top of the bumper.

Or i've got one that mounts the antenna above the driver's side tail light too.. haha, i could never make up my mind.


Originally posted by Hokie
bullet proof cb antenna mount that I made (but I now have the antenna on the roof) that i'd part with. Its from 1/4" x 2" steel and bolts to the bumper using stock holes. The antenna mount sits at the same height as the top of the bumper.

Here's the basic idea. Its painted black and looks fine in person


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Originally posted by Hokie
I've got a Cobra 18 WX ST II that works great. Its got a built in scanner and 10 weather channels.

does that thing come with a turbo to =) jk

Hey Hokie, where did you get that tail light mount? Does it attach to the two screw holes?

Originally posted by Texplorer
Hey Hokie, where did you get that tail light mount? Does it attach to the two screw holes?

Brett built industries :D

I've made the brackets for my front lights, my roof lights, my roof mounted CB antenna, my tail light cb antenna, my bumper CB antenna... I'm getting pretty crafty with a sledge, sawzall, and drill :)


EDIT: Good Lord look at the orange peel in my paint job, crappy ford paint :(

is that with the antenna and mount?

Originally posted by joemamaugly
is that with the antenna and mount?

No, the antenna I bought on eBay for $25. The bumper mount i would probably ask $15 + shipping (is pretty thick) or the tail light mount like $8 to your door.

So we could do $75 for the radio and bumper mount or like $65 for radio and tail light mount.

well i have to sell off more of my parts truck before i can go buying this. which of the mounts do you think is more durable. i really don't want to be picking up pieces along the trail.

Originally posted by joemamaugly
well i have to sell off more of my parts truck before i can go buying this. which of the mounts do you think is more durable. i really don't want to be picking up pieces along the trail.

Easily the bumper mount. Its 1/4" thick steel..haha I made it thinking i was gonna get a 102" steel whip or 7' fiberglass one but ended up not doing that

That friggin' thing was soo hard to shape... I used a full size sledge, a 5lb hand sledge, and a friggin' rail road track as an anvil ~ thank God for percussion gel mechanic's gloves and ear protection!

What kind of steel did you use for the tail light mounts and the roof light mounts. Tex foresees a trip to Home Depot soon:)

Originally posted by Texplorer
What kind of steel did you use for the tail light mounts and the roof light mounts. Tex foresees a trip to Home Depot soon:)

A craftsman never tells his secrets ;)

Here's a teaser though :p


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Hey, you suck:p Ive actually been looking for some materials for about a week now. I want to make some light tabs for my safari rack, but with all these crappy shops here its hard to find anything. I even drew up some diagrams and everything for the light brackets. C'mon help a fellow Explorer owner who is trapped in the land of retards when it comes to anything automotive related.

The roof light brackets (and my current roof rack cb antenna bracket ~ same bracket just used on the rear rack and holds the antenna not the lights) are made out of 3/16" x 1" steel. I buy it at Lowes in their welding metal supplies section. A vise, sledge, Milwaukee drill and Sawzall and I can make that stuff do anything you might want.

The rear bumper antenna mount material i bought at a local welding supply. I bought a 20" section of 1/4" x 2" strip and that stuff is CRAZY to bend.

The rear tail light antenna mount I made with some stainless steel that dad had laying around. Don't know where he got it ~ sorry

Actually, I've got 1 more rear roof rack antenna mount or 1 light mount that I can part with. Just have to remember which state it is in right now.

you looking to sell that taillight mount?

Originally posted by jayhawk137
you looking to sell that taillight mount?

It ain't nothing special but it works $8 and its on your door step

EDIT: once i remember which town/state its in, i've moved 8 times in the last 1 1/2 years :eek:
