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  1. B

    Job Search for our EF Members...

    We're looking for someone in Seattle with 3 years experience in utilities, so far many applicants but few have actually read the requirements. It's only open to apply through Monday. Several other jobs available too. Take a look, click "current openings."...
  2. B

    Removing pinstripe covered with clearcoat?

    reminds me of the time I lettered a van for a local business, and a few years later he wanted to sell it and brought it in for lettering removal. Turned out that he'd clear coated it, so I sent him to the body shop for sanding and repaint. A pinstripe is easier since it's a straight line, you...
  3. B

    Fuel pump stress

    I don't know if the alarm ties into the fuel pump or not, but did you check the fuels shutoff, I think your year it's under the carpet under the glove box. I've heard of them getting tripped by a passengers foot or light front end bump.
  4. B

    belt tensioner loose - shakes

    No, it's not normal. On my '96 it started that way then started to squeal, I replaced it for about $25 and it was pretty easy. They do wear out at 80-100k miles.
  5. B

    Strange noise from under hood

    When off and sitting, the oil drains down into the pan, so when starting up there is very little coating the moving parts, until the pump starts to circulate it. generally a noise like that is related to lifters or worse, rod bearings or wrist pins. When dry there's enough slop to make the...
  6. B

    Suggestion for tires?

    When I decided to get rid of the lousy Wranglers that came on my Ranger (at 30k) I did a lot of research and decided on the Firestone Destination ATs. They are rated #2 on TireRack, and lived up to it. No more fishtailing in rain, and really good grip in snow and ice, even with an overpowered...
  7. B

    $18,000 Bronco

    It is a classic, and in great shape, but probably about $8,000 overpriced.
  8. B

    Anything to be worried about?

    May have been overheated, and OK now. Did you have the fluid changed at 30k like the manual calls for? Also, it should still be on warranty, so have the dealer check it.
  9. B

    Talk about fricking RAIN............

    Geez, we get 40" of rain a year here but it's spread out over 9-10 months. What a mess you have there! I better not complain that it's too hot at 86, no rain in sight.
  10. B

    Sockeye fishing in Alaska

    One of the nice things about living here is that Salmon is pretty inexpensive most of the year with the ready supply, and if you want to catch them, you can get them off the piers right in Seattle. In fact this weekend is the annual derby, some 20,000 King salmon heading back to the river from...
  11. B

    Serpentine belt cutting lower Radiator hose

    Posting a picture might help. You can take the hose to a good auto parts and ask for the same diameter but longer in the flexible ribbed type. I've never seen a hose factory mounted through the loop of a belt.
  12. B

    Serpentine belt cutting lower Radiator hose

    The belt cannot be moved, so you have to deal with the hose. I haven't seen that problem since I had a 1964 Buick that had the hose melted by the oil filter. If it's the correct hose, you might try cutting 1/2"-3/4" off one end to shorten it to pull it away, as long as you leave enough flat...
  13. B

    Getting Rid of Gophers?

    After trying many different things for moles, a friend gave me this method, it will also work for gophers. Takes time, but is effective. In the early morning or evening just before dark, find the freshest hole/mound in the yard. Take a folding chair and sharp shovel with you. With your...
  14. B

    $1500 overhaul on tranny, 4 days later its slipping worse!!! please help!!!!

    I hope they take care of it under warranty, but I'd be skeptical of a rebuild for that little money. When I checked over 3 years ago for my '96 the lowest estimate was $2,600, on up to $3,400.
  15. B

    Is it time to put my 95 out?

    Agreed, that's an easy job. The clutch is self adjusting. Since it's been recently replaced, I'd check to see if there's air in the system, maybe needs re-bleeding. Try pumping the pedal 8-10 times in neutral, then try it again, if it catches lower it's likely air. Good luck on the checkup...
  16. B

    Camping Gismo's, Gadgets, and other useful Camping Stuff

    Other campers in this area are envious when they see me using this nifty little espresso maker on the camp stove:
  17. B

    Think the tranny went this mornin', need help!

    Hopefully electronics, have you tried reverse, or 1 rather than D? I have never seen that happen before, usually (experience with 3) the engine races and eventually it will start moving slowly.
  18. B

    What should I do with my truck while im gone?

    I'd suggest leaving it with a family member. When my daughter and her husband moved to Italy for a year his parents took his Ranger and we took her Mazda. We just drove it enough to keep the battery charged and everything lubricated, once or twice a week. When they got back they were both in...
  19. B

    Steering Wheel Shaking

    Is it worse when you brake? If so check for warped rotors, they will make it shake when rolling but are worse when you step on the pedal.
  20. B

    Spare Tire Fell Off

    Toyota had a recall for that on their vans, but then they were rusting through in just a few years. Anyone living in areas where roads are salted should check.
  21. B

    Screwing through sheetmetal...

    I agree with the bolts. In a severe wind at speed the sheet metal screw could pull out. On the inside look for "fender washers", they are very large with a small hole. watch closely as you tighten because you could distort the sheet metal on the roof if they are not positioned on a perfectly...
  22. B

    Flouride in water...bad juju?

    Very controversial subject, those opposed to it cite everything from causing death to government plots. Yet it's in many municipal water supplies (including mine) and nearly every toothpaste. Dentists use it in a more concentrated form to treat teeth, even on children. If you are concerned about...
  23. B

    2005 XLT 4.0 with 40k miles for $12k -- deal or no deal? Or get a Grand Cherokee?

    If you are worried about the trans, call a couple of shops and ask how much for a rebuild. They will say "depends on how bad it is" but just ask for a comparison of Exp vs Chero same amount of damage. You may find that the Exp is cheaper. I have seen a recent reliability survey showing that...
  24. B

    How much should a transmission rebuild cost?

    Last time I was quoted on one it was $2,600 for a '96 about 4 years ago, and I'd guess the prices are higher now, and higher in your area than here.
  25. B

    2005: Did they fix the trans? How do you transport a canoe?

    I have transported my 15' cane on many different vehicles including a 1996 Exp and several with no luggage rack. You can buy hard foam pads that have slits to fit into the edge rails of the canoe and are about 6"x6" square to lay flat on the roof to protect it. I got them at Joe's years ago...