2004 Explorer Eddie Bauer Stalls when using cruise | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2004 Explorer Eddie Bauer Stalls when using cruise


August 3, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
South Dakota
Year, Model & Trim Level
'08 Limited 4.0L SOHC V6
I have an 2004 Eddie Bauer Edition Ford Explorer with the 4.6L V8 AWD.
Some things I have notice is that it likes to stall out when I hold the coast button down on the cruise control. Usually slowing from 35mph to 30mph. I really notice this at night even when I'm slowing from 55mph my dashlights get dim and I see the RPMs drop. If I continue to hold the button down it eventually stalls the vehicle and all the warning lights are on. Has anyone found a fix for this problem. My 01 taurus doesn't do this so why should my explorer? Also The other problem I have is when going 45mph or 70mph. I get this high pitch tone sound that comes from the instrument cluster. Its so annoying I have to accelerate or decrease my speed just so it doesn't make that sound. And where I live some of the high way speed limits are 70 mph. So I would like to get to the bottom of it. If anyone knows anything on these problems please let me know.


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Well the only thing we have in common is we are driving the same truck, but I don’t have any problems similar to you (I'm at 37K mi now). How many miles? Has it ever been into the dealer for any work or has been recently 'flashed'. Did you get the transmission recall, when i did and they re-flashed it then. One explanation of a 'flash' is the engine computer gets a new program or strategy that may contain a fix for the cruise problem.

Not sure about the noise but what does it sound like? Try to isolate where in the dash its coming from, have some else drive while you listen.. . . turn everything off, A/C, radio, etc is it speed related or rpm related?

Here's a post to keep it at the top... sorry, I have no idea. The older ones with speedo cables can cause the squeeling sound but I think these newer ones are different. I have some weird problems going on with my 02 :rolleyes:

Weren't there some rear end problems on the 04'? That whining sound sounds familar to what others have posted about coming from the rear (in fact, I've heard it to an extent on ours).

Positive that the whine is coming from the dash?

I had a stalling problem while driving under cruise control at about 40 mph.
The fix: replaced TP sensor and reprogrammed PCM.
That was in Nov 04. Has net happened since.
Hope this helps.

I really jinxed myself. Found the high pitch squeal on a trip to NY. It was cold and it would show up at about 70+mph and I could control with cruise 65-75. Some reading to do seem TB related.

Now too I was able to stall it out at about 30mph using cruise. I do notice the engine trying to slow down when you hit coast and eventually it will stall with my finger holding coast. Not worried about this one as usually cruise only used on the highway and then I’ll hit the brake and turn it off.

In regards to my first post I wonder if somehow its millage related now it has 40k on it now. Shows what happens when you open your mouth (thread in this case).:scratch:

I have an '04 Eddie Bauer that was exhibiting the same problem. Ford replaced the throttle body assembly and SOLVED the problem. Flashing the PCM did not fix my problem. I had to involve the Eastern Regional Manger to get the dealer to fix the problem. It seems it is a Ford factory known issue with certain Ford vehicles but no TSB has been issued. Here is how to tell if it might be the throttle body issue: accelerate to about 38 MPH and engage cruise control, begin coasting downhill, watch the tachometer, if the tachometer drops below 500 RPMs you may need the throttle body replaced. My RPMs were dropping below 300 then engine would sometimes die. The key issue seems to be the engine RPMs dropping while in 4th gear below 600 while coasting downhill. The problem did not occur in over-drive, only in 4th gear. Since the throttle body replacement engine RPMs never drops below 700.

My repair was made under extended warranty at 78K miles in March, 2008. Ford should fix without warranty as a major safety issue. By shifting into neutral you can immediately restart the engine after the stalling.

Similar problem. just purchased a 2004 Limited V8 awd with 44,000 miles and when I decelerate from 55 to 40 and set cruise, a minute or two, the engine dies but can be immediately restarted once placed into neutral. Nothing else wrong with car. Have been doing a lot of internet research and similar circumstances- most cars are 2004 with approx. 40k miles on them. I am now going to try either TP sensor (what is that?)and reprogramming or eventually throttle body assembly replacement- I really dont want to part with my new Explorer!!!!

Similar problem. just purchased a 2004 Limited V8 awd with 44,000 miles and when I decelerate from 55 to 40 and set cruise, a minute or two, the engine dies but can be immediately restarted once placed into neutral. Nothing else wrong with car. Have been doing a lot of internet research and similar circumstances- most cars are 2004 with approx. 40k miles on them. I am now going to try either TP sensor (what is that?)and reprogramming or eventually throttle body assembly replacement- I really dont want to part with my new Explorer!!!!

That's the exact problem being described here.

The TPS is the throttle position sensor... replacing it should fix your problem.

Good luck!
