Here's the sound of a V6 SportX with True Duals | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Here's the sound of a V6 SportX with True Duals


Well-Known Member
July 18, 2008
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City, State
Zeeland, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 2dr. V8 Sport

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sounds bad ass i like it

What kind of glasspacks do you have?

I like em;)

cheap ones...they're called redhots...i got them at autovalue...$20 a piece

damn, those are cheap, i have been think about picking one up for my sploder...
What size engine do you have?

they got the 4.0 but his is the ohv engine

Only since you asked.... Am I the only one that thinks it sounds like your muffler fell off? Not trying to be an a$$ or anything.

actually they did...the old ones...then I put on the glasspacks.. It came with two magnaflows..but they hung really low..I hit a pothole one day and it ripped one off so I bought one glasspack..then I cut the other old one off and put another glasspack. I have the SOHC 4.0L was much louder without mufflers but I got a R&R so I had to put something on it.

:DThere are some people at my highschool that don't like it b/c its loud and they think it sounds horrible... like no muffler...but they don't know whats what on a car... so I don't listen to their opinion...

Yup, sounds like a SOHC V6 with aftermarket exhaust. ;)

So, you have to carry your spare on the roof now?

i didnt know 97 had the sohc i thought they had the ohv

coo coo

Im not to fond of the sound of glass packs on the 4.0 but it doesnt sound to bad. I prefure the sound of a Flowmaster but thats just me :D if you like it thats what matters.

charlie did u put sound clip yet

Yep I'm carring the spare on the roof won't fit between the tailpipes..but my younger brother is building a safari style roofrack for me..I'll have space that I could put a cooler or lugage up there with the tire and I have four 6" offroad lights to go on it. I'll get pics up as soon as he finishes it and gets it powdercoated

Yeah sorry i dont like it. sounds like the exhaust is breaking..
