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Sounds good at idle is it kinda raspy while driving, and when it said straight piping you mean all the way out or is there a muffler just no cats?

No it doesn't sound bad, just very loud when you get on it. It sounds good while cruising. Just a faint rumble. It is as follows: torque monster headers into stock pipes with two little cats. No muffler, resonator, or secondary cats. I have no check light either. At first I did because of the secondary cats beinging gone. I fixed that by using my SCT tuner, it has the option of turning off the back o2 sensors. Overall, I love it. You should see the looks I get from everyone. No expects that from a ford explorer.

thats cool. i need to get a tuner when i get done finishing everything I have planned.

Yeah I enjoy mine. Most of the improvement I saw was throttle response. And that it keeps my check engine light from coming on. I have a problem now with these bigger wheels and tires. My speedo is 5 down from what it really is. Almost gets me in trouble sometimes. I think I am going to need a custom tune to fix that.

If you have a SCT 3000 (X3) or pre loaded 3015 (SF3) you shouldn't need custom tunes for speed adjustment.
In the owners manual link below see Adjusting User Adjustable Options "Axle Ratio and Tire Size Calibrations".
Use your tire diameter and the revs/mile on the tuner that's closest to the number on the tire chart. Simple. :thumbsup:



Going by the year of your explorer you may have a speedo gear so it can not be adjusted with the tuner, you'll have to buy a different speedo gear. most trans shops can order you a new one and know how many teeth it needs.

See I thought my tuner could change my speedo. But out of all the options, that is not one. I have the SF3 3015. So what would I have to do in order to correct it? Get the speedo gear?

Here is another video of my two explorers. I did some exhaust comparisons.
One is a 1995 4x4 XLT with the 4.0 OHV, it is only used for farm usage.
The other is my daily driver, she is the green Eddie Bauer with the 5.0 OHV.

