No Start Situation - I'm Stranded | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No Start Situation - I'm Stranded


USMC 1371
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Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 15, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Charlestown, RI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Escape SE
2002 XLT - V6

Was leaving my buddy's house this evening, of course he has left for the night and won't be back here until the morning, and when I turned the key I got absolutely nothing. No crank, no clicking, no nothing.

Have had no warning signs that this was about to happen. After attempting to start it I noticed that the odometer/tripometer/compass readout only displays dashes "--------" and no numbers. I put a meter on the battery and it read 12.6 volts. I am by myself and, therefore, cannot get a reading while attempting to start the Ex.

I tried jumping it and still got nothing. I am checking my shop manuals now.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. I really don't want to spend the night in my truck!

Thanks for looking in.

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you have a switch on the master cylinder. unplug the master cylinder switch, and check fuses.

waskly, are you talking about the cruise control switch on the master cylinder?

its been a while since i seen an x do this. :(

few things can cause this. just past that switch its been a while since i have seen one,

also do me a favor.

when you are facing the drivers side from the front of the truck. of the hood, on the right hand side, of the fuse box. you have 4-5 15 amp fuses in a row, use a meter and check voltage on those 5 15 am fuses that run top/bottom of the fuse box. with key on.

any of them show 32volts?

Thanks for the reply. Heading out to work on the Ex now. I will keep you posted!

The fuses from front to back show the following voltages with the key in the run position:
12.2, 12.2, 0, 12.2, 12.2

I have checked the ground strap at the block and all fuses in the battery junction box & central junction box.

I am going to check the ground and power at the starter next.

three more things, drivers side wheel well in the back is a connector, make sure that is good, under the passanger side of the dash board is a connector going up with a 10m screw, see if its tight.

its been a while, since i have seen this. what is actually going on is the pcm is not powering on, hence no mileage.

o2 sensor can cause this if the 5v ref is shorted on them.

the fuse that showed zero is fuse 39?

Yes Fuse #39 showed 0 volts with the key in the run position.

More importantly, I am back up and running. Here's a list of what I did and what the problem ended up being. You are going to love this!

Checked battery voltage: 12.6 Volts
Attempted jump start: No Luck
Checked all fuses in Battery Junction Box: All Fuses Good
Checked all fuses in Central Junction Box: All Fuses Good
Checked voltages at fuses 37-41 as directed by waskly: 12.6, 12.6, 0, 12.6, 12.6
Checked ground strap on engine block: Good
Checked starter ground: Good
Checked ignition relay: Good
Checked starter relay: Good
Checked PCM relay: Good
Checked voltage at terminal B on starter: Good
Checked voltage at terminal S on starter: Good

Here's what ended up fixing the problem:

Was going to remove the starter so I could bench test it. Prior to doing this I disconnected the battery cables and noticed that the terminals where pretty corroded/dirty. So I cleaned the terminals & connectors and the Ex fired up like a champ!!

I can't beleive that I overlooked step 1 when dealing with electrical issues: check battery connections & cables. Hey, I never said I was the smartest one here. My buddy, who knows nothing about fixing vehicles, was laughing his a$$ off. He kept repeating "Auto mechanics 101, check the battery connections."

Thanks for your help waskly. I really appreciate it! :D:thumbsup:

Rondo we are all proned to screw up now and then. Its life if you ask my wife the only time I dont mess up is when I am asleep, but I am thinking of ways to mess up next even then, according to her..LOL

Yeah, I'm used to being stupid!! Just glad I got it fixed. :biggthump

Its life if you ask my wife the only time I dont mess up is when I am asleep, but I am thinking of ways to mess up next even then, according to her..LOL

Sounds like something my wife says as well.

same issue same year

Must be a curse. Here is what I have done so far and what I think we both need to do.
1. I took my battery to Autozone to have it tested. Even s bsd battery can read 12v. In fact it should read 13.8 or more. Try turning on the headlights and test the battery. This will put it under load and give you a better reading. Anything lower than 12 is a problem. I had to buy a new battery about 4 hours ago and am still not running yet

2. Starter and solenoid. These two components will cause exactly what is happening to us. How the odometer ------- plays into it I am not sure. In the morning I am getting a ride to theptheprt store to have the starter checked. They can test them at almost all stores. Currently I have the chiltons book out looking for the solenoid location. Not sure where it is in the model.

3. Relays and fuses. Again, I am looking up the fault safety relay or fuse for the ignition system. I am pretty sure it has one someplace.

4. Ignition cutoff switch. There is a switch built into the transmition that keeps the engine from starting if you are in gear. Try putting the truck in neutral and see if it will start. Sometimes they will and this tells you that switch is bad.

That is all I have for now. Will update you on progress and info from other forums. Please do the same.


Oops.... for some reason none of the replies showed up. My phone is funny like that. I will run through all the steps you did and hope I hit the winning step.

Very glad you are on the road. My Ranger does exactly what you had every 4 months or so. I put in the felt donuts and sprayed the terminals with corosion spray and been good since.

Now on to van to fix the brakes so I cab go to the parts store if needed.

Wiring diagram ford explorer limited 2000

Any body got a full car diagram for explorer limited 00' 4.0 schc
basically I need the starter relay Wiring and Schematic , I change the starter but I wont star relay is ok but one of the points doesn't have power , can some one help?

Any body got a full car diagram for explorer limited 00' 4.0 schc
basically I need the starter relay Wiring and Schematic , I change the starter but I wont star relay is ok but one of the points doesn't have power , can some one help?

Just saw this post today.

I recommend posting your question in the Stock 1995 - 2001 Explorers Sub Forum. Click here to go there now.

Good luck getting everything sorted! :biggthump
