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Kris Guilbeaux

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February 12, 1999
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fox sale of A4LD

I was hoping it would not come to this and things would have been worked out.

My Experience with the purchase of this Transmission has gone really bad. Right after Moab I bought The as listed Perfect working order transmission. After arrival of the transmission. The Transmission was missing parts. The prep of the Transmission on the wood palette causing the tailhousing to shift and crack the case of the Transmission.

I notified the asp84 about the damage. I talked to and told him not to worry since the Transmission was to be in good shape I would not need to use it as a core, and would not effect the function of the Transmission.

The Transmission was also missing the Parking pawl. I had to go out a hunt down this piece.

The Oil pan was dented as well. This caused the dip stick not to Fit in the Dip stick tube because the was not any clearance between the pan and the valve body.

Lastly the Transmission was not shifting correctly after installation. I Posted the Problem on the board to see if I can find out the Problem. The Transmission was just bad.

I was accused of improper installation. Even though I installed an A4LD not even two weeks earlier in Mudd*****'s Explorer. Not to mention that two other board member helped me install this transmission. I was looking to get a Reman transmission. But because of the Crack in the case I can not even use this WORTHLESS transmission as a core!!!!

I talked to asp84 on the Phone about the problems, He told me he was the middle man and directed me to Fox. I sent him one PM and he replied with sob stories about having no money. I did reply to him about helping me at least pay for the core charge since there is no place I can even get core for this Transmission. The PM was not answered Till after my Parents the Ones who paid for the Transmission called and left a message on his voice mail. That day my parents called him back asking what he planed to do. He said he would help pay for the core charge. Today I got a call from him saying he was not going to help me pay for any thing and if I wanted I could take him to court and that it would cost me more to do that any way so he said it was mine and only my problem. Since this problem could not be Solved in a civilized manner. I do plan to Sue the titled owner of the 94 Limited from the date of purchase for the Complete cost of the transmission, and the Cost to get the Vehicle back into working order. IE Radiator Flushes, cooler flush, Torque converter Rebuild, shipping costs, towing costs, what ever else it cost me to get the truck running, along with all court costs.

This could have been avoided if we would have worked this out, and standing behind his word.

I am the only one out money here, I am also the only one with a very expensive paper weight.
I have written Documentation by a Ford ASE certified Transmission expert stating the Transmission was not installed improperly.
If they want to change there mind I will be willing to talk it over, but untill then I do not suggest any one makes any deals with Fox. Based on the troubles I have had with this Transmission that was Stated to be in Perfect Working Order.

Thanks for reading,

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!! **Note: This Thread was Previously Locked by the Thread starter to "prevent" people from responding. On 08/27/02 the thread was unlocked by Explorer Forum Administration to allow the chance for others to Reply.

Concerning the accused Accusations by Kris Guilbeaux:

Here are the FACTS of the transmission Sale

1.) The Transmission was OWNED by FOX NOT asp84. asp84 only helped post the forum online because he had better computer access. asp84 had no previous knowledge of the condition of the A4LD other than what FOX told him. According to Fox, The transmission was in 100% operational order before the wreck.

2.) The Transmission was pulled from a wrecked 1994 Limited Edition Explorer with 85,000 miles. The engine and transmission were pulled at the same time. A plasma gun was used to remove the wrecked front clip and facilitate the removal of the engine and tranny in one piece. The transmission was not removed from the engine until it was out of the truck.

3.) The Transmission was SOLD "AS IS" since it had been in a wreck. NO Bill of Sale or Warranty contract or gurantee; written or unspoken was signed by either party. Transmission was sold at a fair rate since it was used, and A4LD's were known to have a bad stigma.

4.) The transmission was secured to a wood Pallet and was shipped by Forward Air Shiping company ( Transmission was dropped off in Perfect shape at the Portland, OR terminal. Buyer DID NOT REQUEST to have SHIPPING insurance. Transmission was then loaded by forklift and shipped from Oregon ot Texas. Upon arrival in texas, Damage was noted to tailshaft housing and oil pan. The Damage obviuosly incurred by the Shipping company's neglegence ........either in loading or unloading or use of Fork Lift. (we have pictures showing the perfect physical condition of the transmission before is was dropped off at forward air.)

5.) TWO months after the the shipment was received and transported to the thread starters house, the transmission was finally installed.

To be fair to the above thread starter, I WILL NOT speculate on what I think happened. The above information is only what I know to be true. I currently have Pictures showing the transmission tailhousing and oil pan in Perfect shape.

What I do know, is that this is an issue between Kris (the buyer) and FOX (the owner and seller) of the transmission. Not asp84, ( who only helped post the thread and reply to prospective buyers) asp84 did not receive any money from the sale of this transmission. Therefore, he should not be included in this thread.

This is an unfortunate situation. But please, lets not resort to finger pointing and speculating. The transmission needs to be torn down by a Ford Dealership by a technician who does not know (or have any relationship) to the above thread starter, to get to the bottom of the problem, and know what really happened.

Hopefully Things will be resolved by the above thread starter and FOX.

Good Luck! ..... and THANKS FOR READING both sides of the story.

Al (asp84)


I read and printed all the post about this A4LD and there was not a statement any were that said AS IS no warrentty. But I did read in Places that did say IN PERFECT WORKING ORDER.

Even then the Tailhouseing should ahve not been held on by One Bolt which caused the Crack of the case. And the parking pawl should have been with the Transmission.

The Reason for the Locked Thread was so that these people can contact me directlly. I tried to work this out civilized and after getting a phone call yesterday from Fox just being a real jerk to me I felt this was the only way to fix the Problem.

And if you have picture of the Front of the oil pan I would like this Picture to insure that the Dent was not there before shipping.

Again, FOX was the one who removed the Tail housing. I had no idea that he had done this. I have lots of different shots of the transmission and oil pan that show the physical condition of the tranny to be in perfect shape.

As I have said before..... I am will absolutely not speculate on "what I think happened or throw fingers at people" I am only telling you what I know or was told by Fox. Unfortunately, I am the only one responding to this post, and am doing so to let people know the Real Facts from my standpoint. I (asp84) Have personally not touched one bolt on the transmission. THe only time I saw the transmission was when it was pulled out and when it was shipped, in perfect condition.

I removed asp84 name from the title as he has helped me out in this situation. He was only the middle man. My dealing are with Fox alone at this time.

Fox was planning on making good on the situation and then backed out after talking with his parents.

why do you keep deleting my threads/replies??? im not being an ass, like i usually am, but i can be :)

Originally posted by SMART AZZ
why do you keep deleting my threads/replies??? im not being an ass, like i usually am, but i can be :)

Actually if you want to know I keep deleting them because you have no bearing on this situation, you are not directly connected to THIS transaction, therefore you have no business posting in this thread. This is a forum for people to put the FACTS about their transaction as they see them, not for others to speculate!!! I did change your other post about asp84 and YOUR dealings with him, that is a seperate thread now and not connected to this one in anyway. If you have a problem with how I run my forum, contact rick at and tell him your grievence with me.

Hey everyone. lets here the other side of the story.....

i sold a tranny to kris way back three months ago and in the post totaled limited ex parting out i sated TOTALED limited ex as far as i knew the tranny was ok . it had recieved no physical damage what so ever, we took the utmost care when removing it and took pictures of our achievment(we took hte ex apart in COMPLETELY in nine hours or so). so i sent the tranny off though forward air(it was the chaepest place that i could find for Kris) he was happy with that because he was paying for shipping. when nit arrived it had been damaged by forward air. i loaded on my truck drove for a day withit on and unloaded it at the dock with everything intact and ok. it arived f'ed-up. forward air should have been held acountable.

instead he called alec and tried to claim that it was our problem, well he did some reasearch and foooound out that it would work despite the damge. and a parking piece was missing, i don't remember taking it off but i can see it being lost, he delt with alec only, never did he pm me with his number asking me to call him, he only talked to alec, alec said that he told me about the parking deal and he probably did, but i misunderstood what he was saying or what ever happened iether way i was under the impression that evrything was ok.

last monday alec spent over two hours with kris on the phone, alec said that evrything was going to work with the tranny. that was all i knew, then the following saturday i get this hostile threat from his mother stating that if i didn't do some thing that day about the tranny that they were going to sue me. to boot she dose not even leave a number to call her back at!! so go online to send kris a pm, i find one waiting for me stating that something needed to be done. so i pmed him so get the low down on the situation, the situation that i didn't even know existed, because he never bothered to pm untill three months after the tranny was sold and installed. so his mother had called me severall times leaving threatining measages and wheni spoke to her on the phone she was nothing but very rudeto me even insulting my families money situation!

yes there is somethig wrong with the tranny, yes he should have tacken it up with forward iar when it happened, not three months later. i have sold almost everthing off that truck and had no complaints other than his not from the motor from hte t-case, seats int parts ect.

my mane shouldn't be drug throught the mud because a shipping company broke somthing and the person whobought it didn't take it up with the company who brooke it.................


The major Problem with the transmission is with the internals. If I knew there was going to be a problem with them I would have made a Claim with Forward Air.

Unfortually I could not install and test the transmission till I had a T-case to install on the Back.

I am not going to discuss this till I know what all damage this caused my 1992 Explorer.

I would also like to go by Rick's wishes and discuss this off the Forums. since you have my phone number you can call me or E-mail. I will discuss this with you in a civilized manor.
I would also like pictures of the Transmission before you shipped it.

if you wanted to only discuss this offline then why post!!!!???????

Removal Pictures

Ok, I have located the pictures and reviewed over them thouroghly. The transmission looks in perfect physical with no dents or bruises from the removal from the explorer.
Unfortunately I do not have a scanner...... only a P.O.S digatal camera that is over five years old. This weekend I will be meeting some people who have better digital scanning equipment.

FOX (Craig) and KRIS GUILBEAUX HAVE EXCHANGED PHONE NUMBERS and will deal with the rest of the situation off line.

Like I said here is a crappy shot that shows a horrible overview of the tranny. sorry.

Note, these are not how the pictures look in actuality....... The flash on the POS digi camera is makign the pictures white.

Note: I tried contacting Fox and he would not return my E-mails.

I have now had the Tranny rebuilt and it is now installed working fine.

I said that in the E-mails. Just to clear it up it was not something that I could have caused.

It turned out to be a problem that both parties (fox and Kris G) were both unaware of. What caused the part in the transmission to fail............ is still unknown. There are a lot of theories out there, but niether party can really Prove what caused the tranny to fail.
