ignition lock cylinder | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ignition lock cylinder

  1. R

    Broken Ignition pin Fix?

    So, I was in the process of replacing my ignition and noticed that part of the end of the ignition snapped off and is currently stuck in the ignition housing (I'm assuming because I snapped it trying to turn the key). The steering column is locked, but I have no idea how to remove the piece...
  2. K

    Help...Drilled out ignition won't turn

    My question is actually about a 91 explorer. Sport 2wd 2d.. Seen some things regarding it but still having trouble.. Recently acquired Explorer from a friend who lost keys a few months back.. Locating them hasn't been successful. So plan A to go to dealership as you probably know can't happen as...
  3. S

    Ignition Lock Cylinder or Ignition Rod Actuator? '96 Explorer XL

    I have a 1996 Ford Explorer XL 4.0 5 speed manual transmission. I went to start it just the other day and the key turned to a stopping point, once turned past that "catch" it then spun freely forward and backwards. I bought a $17 replacement ignition lock cylinder that is actually for a 1995...
  4. P

    !996 Ford Explorer Ignition Lock Cylinder

    I just replaced an Ignition Lock Cylinder in a 1996 Explorer after reading the threads on this site. Oreilly had the exact match cylinder for 13.00. Had a local locksmith re-key to the original for 25.00 - all seemed well! Installed the new one - reconnected battery cable - car started...