’97 XLT loss of radio power | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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’97 XLT loss of radio power


January 21, 2004
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'97 XLT
At first the power would go out for an hour or so then come back on. It has progressed to the point where the power would be out for weeks only to come on (occasionally and usually in the morning) for 5-10 minutes, then go back out. By no power I mean no radio, no CD, no LCD, nothing. To make the matter even more confusing, if I press the clock button the time will show for about 10 seconds then go away, so I know power is getting to the radio. I though it might be the radio itself, however, after trying another stock HU, the power still did not come on.

Not sure if this helps, but you know when you start the explorer put it in gear and press the gas pedal the power door locks will lock. Well, that too does not happen when the radio power is out. It appears they are intertwined?

Any help would be greatly appreciated…

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Have you checked all the fuses? I had a problem with that before I switched to aftermarket.... The clock would work but nothing else would would on the head unit. I think I had 2 fuses blown...I believe the cigarette lighter is also on one of the same fuses.

The fuse was the first thing that came to my mind. I did check, however, they were fine. The power occasionally comes back on, but for only 5-10 minutes then goes back out…

Originally posted by kc_golf

Not sure if this helps, but you know when you start the explorer put it in gear and press the gas pedal the power door locks will lock. Well, that too does not happen when the radio power is out. It appears they are intertwined?

Any help would be greatly appreciated…

They may share a ground point. If the ground has come loose, it may be causing both problems.

I have schematics at home - I will look at the two circuits to see if I can locate the ground points for you. Normally the ground wires will be solid black and they often lead to a fastener under the dash or somewhere on the body to complete the ground connection.

Any luck with the schematics?

Sorry I didn't intend to be the king of empty promises....It looks like the radio and the GEM (controls power door locks) share the same ground G200 which is located somewhere near the passenger side kick panel.


  • radiognd.jpg
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G200 picture


  • radiogndloc.jpg
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I will check the ground tonight, thanks for the help. I'll cross my fingers and let you know how things turn out...

I have been away and haven't been able to work on the problem until this past weekend. For the life of me, I am unable to locate that @$%& ground.

I haven't looked for it, but I'm thinking that it may be somewhere behind the glove compartment - you can swing the glove compartment out of the way by opening it, then squeeze it so the two stop tabs clear the sides and then you can move it out of the way.

Watch out for the Airbag. :eek: You should probably disconnect the battery cable before poking around too much. ;)

Once again, I'll give it a go... Thanks
