'00 Ford Ranger Daily Driver | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'00 Ford Ranger Daily Driver


Typing Police
April 10, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
In the mug by Chitown
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 JEEP Wrangler
So I got caught in a dilema. Do i suck it up and pay the 3.70/gal for diesel and drive my 1 ton dually around town or find something friendlier. Our local Ford dealer had an '00 Ranger 3.0 v-6 flex fuel motor 4x4 supercab and I walked out with it for all include at what their retail was. I worked a decent deal and it worked out well. it's a sharp truck and have managed 17mpg in town but i was pretty weak on the gas for that week. Realistically, I'm probly getting 15 city/19hwy. I can run the e85 which roughly works out to be the same at gas but supports our country so I try to fill up when I can. It's a great truck so far and am border line modding it out and leaving it 100% stock. At this time, i think the stereo will be the only thing done as my only other mods would be a TT crank to fit my 33in swampers w/o a body lift. So I think the truck will be stock. Anyways, here's my new DD and i'm back in the quarter ton group of trucks...


Also these were the summer dealer pics. Maybe after I clean 'er up, i'll throw some other pics up.


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...:thumbsup:...i know my ranger has helped my pocket book ....and 4wd ...what more could you ask for...:D

Hardly makes sense to me to buy another vehicle to save a few cents per gallon, when you only get 15-17mpg. But hey, whatever floats your boat ;)
I say leave it stock if your intention is to save money on gas.
Looks nice anywho

Well the milage is the same as my diesel. Also 550ft/lbs and 2x4 doesnt do very well in the snow. At that, I'm saving about 40-60 cents a gallon. Oh, and I take it you haven't driven a dually work truck as a daily driver for 2 years. That'd make you think otherwise..

oooo really nice find:thumbsup::D
