01-05 Sport Trac 4x4 Lift Options Discussion | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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01-05 Sport Trac 4x4 Lift Options Discussion

would spacers on the front and not the back look terrible? but it kinda makes more sense to just do it on the front and the rear. would there still be enough tread left on the bolt with the spacer installed to put the tire and lug nuts back on?

Yea it would look terrible, generally 4wd's use all 4 spacers.
The spacers have their own studs to mount the wheel to. Take a look at some and it might make more sense..

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Yea it would look terrible, generally 4wd's use all 4 spacers.
The spacers have their own studs to mount the wheel to. Take a look at some and it might make more sense..
ok, so do the studs go thru the rim, or what?

nvm. i saw a video on it. i understand how it works now. if i get 1.25 inch spacers, should i be able to clear 285/75R16 with minor trimming?

Make sure on the 1.25 may not clear the studs. I think I went with 1 3/8 on mine to clear the studs. Also check your wheels if they have a cavity where the studs come thru you would be ok with 1.25. Hope that makes sense.

Make sure on the 1.25 may not clear the studs. I think I went with 1 3/8 on mine to clear the studs. Also check your wheels if they have a cavity where the studs come thru you would be ok with 1.25. Hope that makes sense.
sorry, but dont really understand what you are saying.

nvm. i saw a video on it. i understand how it works now. if i get 1.25 inch spacers, should i be able to clear 285/75R16 with minor trimming?

Where did you see that vid J-Bubba?

Make sure on the 1.25 may not clear the studs. I think I went with 1 3/8 on mine to clear the studs. Also check your wheels if they have a cavity where the studs come thru you would be ok with 1.25. Hope that makes sense.
N2FORD, what is the set up on your truck to be able to run 33's?

I guess what I am trying to say is make sure that the studs out of your drum/rotor are not longer than the spacer is thick. If you stud is 1 1/2 long and you use the 1 3/8 spacer you will have 1/8th sticking out past the spacer. This can cause the wheel to set against the stud instead of the spacer. Some wheels have a cavity between the mounting studs, if your wheels have this then the extra sticking out should not cause a problem. Did this help make more sense?

"N2FORD, what is the set up on your truck to be able to run 33's?"
I did a Torsion Twist, minor trimming, add a leaf and shackle. I am running 33x12.5x17's on 0 offset 17x9 crager soft 8's. I also run a 285/70/17 (33" tall) on a gen 3 explorer 17" wheel during the summer.

I guess what I am trying to say is make sure that the studs out of your drum/rotor are not longer than the spacer is thick. If you stud is 1 1/2 long and you use the 1 3/8 spacer you will have 1/8th sticking out past the spacer. This can cause the wheel to set against the stud instead of the spacer. Some wheels have a cavity between the mounting studs, if your wheels have this then the extra sticking out should not cause a problem. Did this help make more sense?

"N2FORD, what is the set up on your truck to be able to run 33's?"
I did a Torsion Twist, minor trimming, add a leaf and shackle. I am running 33x12.5x17's on 0 offset 17x9 crager soft 8's. I also run a 285/70/17 (33" tall) on a gen 3 explorer 17" wheel during the summer.
thanks. that makes it more understandable.
does the add a leaf give more lift, or just give it more payload capability?

"does the add a leaf give more lift, or just give it more payload capability?"

It gave me both, I pull a small trailer and have my sons ATV in the bed some and it handles it pretty well. It seemed to help firm up the ride in the rear also.

"does the add a leaf give more lift, or just give it more payload capability?"

It gave me both, I pull a small trailer and have my sons ATV in the bed some and it handles it pretty well. It seemed to help firm up the ride in the rear also.
ok. thanks.

ive got tt up front about 2 inches and i got bilstein shocks after that for 0-2 inches lift im thinkin about doin a 3 inch body lift now so... do i need new shocks for another 3 inches of lift or since its body can i keep the shocks its got?

ive got tt up front about 2 inches and i got bilstein shocks after that for 0-2 inches lift im thinkin about doin a 3 inch body lift now so... do i need new shocks for another 3 inches of lift or since its body can i keep the shocks its got?
body lift won't touch the shocks, just lifts the body off the frame ;)

are shocks pretty universal for all trucks, or do you need to get ones specifically for your truck?

performance accessories bumper brackets

the body lifts on ebay say they dont come with bumper brackets. does the one from the performance acc. come with them or do you order them seperate like gap guards or fabricate them (that would suck)

are shocks pretty universal for all trucks, or do you need to get ones specifically for your truck?
i had been trying to figure that out to because 2 online stores didnt ask what truck i had so i just called desert rat and ordered them they then asked what truck i had and if i had a lift.?.

Performance kit comes with the bumper brackets. Not hard to install either.

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if i did a torsion twist, and got 2 inches, will installing 2 inch torsion keys add anymore height to the front, or will it be the same as with the TT?
