02 Explorer XLT 2WD - Can't get the rear rotors off!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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02 Explorer XLT 2WD - Can't get the rear rotors off!!!


New Member
December 6, 2003
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City, State
Richmond, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT
I am trying to replace the rear rotors on our 2002 Explorer XLT 2WD. I got the calipers off, no problem, got the rotor loose... but then it wouldn't come off! The e-brake just doesn't want to let go. I disconnected the e-brake cable and spread the little levers that control the e-brake apart as far as they can go. I'm afraid that If I force it, I'll damage the e-brake.


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I really need help with this. My wife needs the Explorer to take the kids to and from school.

Is it no different than the pre-2002 rear rotors?

the service manual has 2 steps to remove the rotor.
1 remove caliper. 2 remove rotor
i assume that the caliper is holding the rotor on then. here is the instructions
Disconnect the brake hose.
1Remove bolt.
2Disconnect the rear wheel brake hose (2A442).
3Remove the copper washers and plug the brake hose.

Remove the rear disc brake caliper (2552).
1Remove the brake caliper bolts (W500516-S2).
2Lift the rear disc brake caliper off the knuckle (5A968).

get yourself a ford cd repair manual off of ebay its a life saver.

should pop off after the caliper is removed.... make sure the ebrake is set, also, did you loosen or tighten the ebrake shoes? its possible to tighten them instead of loosening them.....

Originally posted by jimabena74
should pop off after the caliper is removed.... make sure the ebrake is set, also, did you loosen or tighten the ebrake shoes? its possible to tighten them instead of loosening them.....

After I remove the caliper, pry off the retaining clips on the lug bolts and break the rotor loose, I can get the rotor off about a half an inch. It seems that the e-brake is somehow holding on to it.

I haven't loosened or tightened the e-brake shoes...not sure how to even do that. I cannot find any manuals on this vehicle here.

When I replaced my rear rotors I had to use a BFH to get the rotor off.

To loosen your ebrake look at the back of it right under the axle. Pull the rubber plug there off. Theres a gear you can use a flathead screwdriver to turn. I think down is loosen.

Originally posted by JL 3x12 Xplorer
To loosen your ebrake look at the back of it right under the axle. Pull the rubber plug there off. Theres a gear you can use a flathead screwdriver to turn. I think down is loosen.

Thanks! Is this the same rubber "plug" that is in the opening that the ebrake levers protrude from?

even with the Ebrake backed off, you will have to beat the living **** out of it. i know, i had to on mine. with the rear end on jackstands, i had to beat on it and turn it....beat and turn....etc. to get it off.

Well, I see no rubber plug. The IRS spindle is in the way if it is in fact there.

I think I have negotiated with the dealership for them to pay for half the total cost. They claimed to have done a 100 point check that said all the pads had at least 52% left on them. We only had the truck since late April. They apparently didn't do a very thorough check.

We'll know for sure tonight.
