'05 Explorer gas leak...Pictures | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'05 Explorer gas leak...Pictures


July 8, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Knoxville, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'05 XLT
I been a long time lurker here, but never had anything really to post..until now. I've noticed a couple of times over the past week the faint smell of gas in the garage after my 05 explorer has sat over night. Last night I filled up with gas and this morning the garage had a very strong smell of gas. I ended up finding the source, but I have no idea how I'm going to fix it. The leak is coming from the white plastic piece coming out of the back of the tank that the fill tube attaches to. I called the local Ford dealership and talked to someone in parts. The guy knew what I was talking about, but told me that Ford does not offer this part by itself. I would have to buy the whole tank assembly...thats over $1100! Does anyone have any ideas as to how I would go about fixing this? Junkyard? some sort of epoxy (gas resistant)? I am very mechanical so fixing this is not beyond my abilities, I'm just not sure of my options. So far I've had no engine lights come on, and the vehicle is running normally. You'll notice in the pictures a small crack in the plastic fitting, that's where the fuel is leaking from. Any help will be greatly appreciated.



2005 Explorer
4.0 engine
4x4 (advance trac)

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wow, I've never seen or heard of that problem with Ex's.

Is the white peice broken, cracked, or separated from the tank??? Any chance that something hit it?

I would probably go with the Junkyard replacement tank, just make sure it is clean first.

Please Help

I have no idea how this happened, the white piece is cracked. Does anyone know if this piece can be taken off? and if so how. Is it like a bulkhead fitting or does it screw in?

hmm...This looks like a job for MIGHTY PUTTY!! lol

Thanks for the link..Do you remember where you bought it last. Most places have the "regular" JB, just wondering how hard it is to find..or i can just order it online.

I got mine at Tractor Supply, but I believe Home Depot and Lowes both have it--

What would be the best cleaner to use to remove all (well hopefully all) of the fuel from the area so that I would have the best change of the JB bonding at its best?

What would be the best cleaner to use to remove all (well hopefully all) of the fuel from the area so that I would have the best change of the JB bonding at its best?

Drive it until its almost empty...Then over night all the remaining fuel should evaporate. Wipe down with a good degrease and let dry.

whoops that doesnt look good

Mine has the same leak but it just gets moist from time to time. Has not started leaking that bad yet. I might and try some JB Weld before it gets like that!!

LOL You guy's are not making me feel better.

I was looking around online for an aftermarket fuel tank. I can't seem to find any. Anyone replaced the tank on 2005. Which years would the tanks be compatible?

I would guess that the tanks are the same fom 02-05.

Make sure that clap is on properly, not too tight orr too loose.

Gas Leak Update..Fixed??...Pictures

Ok guys, thanks for all the responses and help. I got the tank down to 1/2 and parked on a hill so the leaking would stop. I cleaned the leak area really well with brake cleaner and acetone. Scuffed up the tank and fitting with some 100 grit sand paper. I mixed up JB weld (just regular ol JB) and let it sit for about 20 min before I applied it. I packed the JB really good all around and let it sit over night. I just turned the truck around so that all the gas should be on the fitting and so far no leaks. Sucks the JB ran a little b4 it set up, but hey its not leaking.....yet. I'll update after a couple of weeks so that if anyone else has this issue they could see if this works or not.


Nice work man...as I was reading the posts, I was gonna reply and say try JB, but make sure you scuff it up a bit so it'l stick :p:

Slick repair!
Looks like it should do the job.

i will definitely try this repair before mine starts to leak!!

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Nice and neat repair--Looks great--Hope it works out OK--
