05 XLT rear end problem / Need outside the box solution | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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05 XLT rear end problem / Need outside the box solution


October 27, 2018
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2012 explorer xlt
My 05 has 230 K. miles and I would like to use it to haul my fishing boat one more year. While doing an undercarriage inspection, I found a gap between the front mounting bolt and the frame on the rear differential. When I tried to snug up the bolt, I broke the bolt off. There is about 1/4 inch of the bolt extending thru the mounting eye. I see no way to replace the bolt that does not involve dropping the rear end. The mounting bolt hangs from the frame and there is about 1/2 inch space between the top of the frame and the froor. My first thought was the Farmer fix. A long stainless steel worm drive clamp over the frame and around the rear end. I would need a strap that could handle the weight. The problem with standard clamps is the weakness of the worm drive tightening screw. Has anyone had this kind of problem and tried a similar out of the box solution. Thanks in advance for any and all input

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My 05 has 230 K. miles and I would like to use it to haul my fishing boat one more year. While doing an undercarriage inspection, I found a gap between the front mounting bolt and the frame on the rear differential. When I tried to snug up the bolt, I broke the bolt off. There is about 1/4 inch of the bolt extending thru the mounting eye. I see no way to replace the bolt that does not involve dropping the rear end. The mounting bolt hangs from the frame and there is about 1/2 inch space between the top of the frame and the froor. My first thought was the Farmer fix. A long stainless steel worm drive clamp over the frame and around the rear end. I would need a strap that could handle the weight. The problem with standard clamps is the weakness of the worm drive tightening screw. Has anyone had this kind of problem and tried a similar out of the box solution. Thanks in advance for any and all input

It might be easier to drop the entire cradle from the vehicle (is it four bolts?), this might allow you to get to the other end of the broken bolt in the frame, and not have to remove the diff. from the frame members.

It might be easier to drop the entire cradle from the vehicle (is it four bolts?), this might allow you to get to the other end of the broken bolt in the frame, and not have to remove the diff. from the frame members.
Where can I find info on dropping the rear cradle?

I’m not sure what the solution is, but it’s not a big hose clamp.

Would it be possible to remove the rear seat and cut a 4x4 inch access hole directly above the existing mounting bolt? I would feel better about trying this if I knew how the original bolt is attached to the frame. Right now the bolt spins like it was dropped through the frame. Except there is no way to get wrench between the top of the frame and the floor

Well, you can surely cut a hole in the floor. People do it all the time for replacing the fuel pump without dropping the tank.

