06 explorer disabling AWD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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06 explorer disabling AWD


Well-Known Member
December 23, 2008
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West Friendship, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer XLT
06 explorer xlt v6

flowmaster 40
chrome bull bar w/ off-road lights

Alright, so that damn AWD is not my friend and I'm wondering if there is a "simple" way to disable it. I still want to be able to lock it in 4wd, but I dont want AWD. I wanna be able to let the back end come around without the fronts kicking in to straighten me out. Traction control, guess I gotta live with that, but at least I can turn it off at low speeds.

So any ways to disable the AUTO 4wd but keep the 4wd low/high.

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You do not have AWD, as you ended your post note that you have Auto 4WD. They are not the same thing. You can disable the A4WD, hunt here for the "brown wire mod" for your truck model.

AWD is constant, permanent, it has no wires, and no dash switch. Auto 4WD is an electronic TC internal clutch which can be disabled. You have 2WD constantly, until wheels spin is detected, then it electrically becomes 4WD.

The 2002+ 4dr. Explorers/Mountaineers/Aviators can have either AWD or A4WD for both the V6 and the V8. They can be swapped with each other if you want to change.

so on my 06 EB i can switch to an awd model over a a4wd that i have now? What do i need to get to achieve this?

Sorry bout the confusion. Ive always though they were the same. I'm looking over the brown wire mod now. Thanks for the help.

Very good.

Changing the type of transfer case is the easy part, but at least it's possible due to the 2002+ tranmissions all having the same rear shaft and bolt pattern. To do it seriously would require the TC, a GEM from the other 2WD/AWD or A4WD trucks, and some wiring for some. I haven't seen someone do it here, so an example I don't know of. But to go to AWD is the easier path, no wiring besides changing the GEM and removing/unplugging the 4WD modules. The drive shafts may or may not be the same.

AWD is constant, permanent, it has no wires, and no dash switch.

Just an FYI - I have an 08 Mountaineer Premier AWD V8, and if you scroll through the options in the dash display (the one with OD reset, hours run, etc.), there is an option for changing the AWD setting from Auto to ON or OFF.

I discovered it when trying to figure out how to reset the oil change message (which was another "option" under the same menu).

Interesting, but that should refer to the 4WD type of system. Now I do realize that Ford is good about messing with things. The new AWD TC for 2002 was a Borg Warner 4410, I wanted to try to use that with my V6 when I bought it. It is only compatible with 2002+ model transmissions. Ford could have changed transfer cases again and added some features. But the point of an AWD system is that it is constant for all conditions. Audi and others are good enough to build lockable differentials with them, but Ford likely will not.

Please look in your owners manual closely, hopefully there is more detail there to describe how the types of TC function.

What search word did you use with to find the brown wire mod? I'm not having any luck. Maybe a link?
And this should work on an 06?

I searched for BWM Brown Wire Mod 3rd Gen in the 3rd gen forum. Apparntly its the same for the 3rd/4th gens if Im correct.

To the comment about the mountaineer AWD - I have an 08 limited explorer AWD, I can't speak for the mountaineer, but mine has the option to lock ON or AUTO, there is no "OFF" can you check yours again and see if there is in fact an "OFF" setting for the AWD, I would be delightfully surprised if that was possible.

To the comment about the mountaineer AWD - I have an 08 limited explorer AWD, I can't speak for the mountaineer, but mine has the option to lock ON or AUTO, there is no "OFF" can you check yours again and see if there is in fact an "OFF" setting for the AWD, I would be delightfully surprised if that was possible.

I checked again, you are right, there is no "off" - I must have imagined it. Sorry about that.
