1993 Explorer temp gauge fluctuating | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1993 Explorer temp gauge fluctuating


Well-Known Member
March 2, 2006
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Evansville, In
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 XLT4x4
The temperature gauge on my 1993 Explorer 4x4 is fluctuating when completely warmed up from just below the "N" on the gauge to the "A" when sitting in traffic for a while. When cruising around whether it be in the city or the highway it reads on the "N", but when sitting in traffic for a while or low speed driving(like being stuck in stop and go traffic) it SLOWLY but surely works its way up to the "A". I am mechanically inclined and have been checking the coolant level every day and it has not lost any coolant whatsoever, nor is it leaking anywhere, so I am almost sure that it is not the head gasket or worse. Once I get going again the gauge goes back down to the "N" after cruising at a decent speed for about two minutes. I have purchased a new fan clutch and thermostat which I am going to replace on Sunday. I know that the fan clutch is inoperative because it does not engage when the vehicle is first driven when cold nor does it engage when sitting in traffic as mentioned before. I figure I will replace the thermostat while I am at it as it may be sticking as well. Sorry for the length of this post but I like to thourogh so that all of the available information is out there.

BTW: The website is awesome, it has helped me to replace the tranny modulator, clean the MAF, replace the plugs(damn that #3 plug!), 4x4 shift motor, and a couple of other things that I cannot remember right now.

Thank you for your responces, I am just wanting to make sure that I am not missing something really simple here that I just do not know about! ;)

1993 ExplorerXLT4X4, 111K, Great shape

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Sounds like you are on the right track. Replace the fan clutch and Tstat. Also, inspect the fan for any significant cracking.

Thanks marragtop, just took a look at the fan an hour ago to check that out and sure enough it is cracked at the nylon webbing. Went to Advance auto parts and picked up a new fan, thanks for the suggestion. :) :thumbsup:

If anyone wants to know, a craftsman strap wrench works great for holding the water pump pulley in place, had that bad boy out in 10 minutes! :D Thanks for the help. I went ahead and replaced the temp sender too and the gauge with the new thermostat, fan clutch, and fan now stays right at the "R" in the NORMAL range on a 80degree day here in Charleston with the A/C running.

Which T stat did you put in? 180 or 195? I just did exactly what you did (Fan clutch and T Stat) with almost the same results but now my temp gauge stays between the bottom line and the N. I am keeping track of my mileage over the next couple tanks to see if it is effecting milage. Other wise my power seems fine (Well, it is beter than when it was overheating). Anyways what seems to be the best Thermostat for the 1st Gens?

Sorry for hijacking the thread btw.

No problem. I put in a 198degree thermostat from autozone. Made by valuecraft. I don't think it would matter much if you put in a 195 or 198 degree thermostat. (on the temp gauge I mean) I also replaced the temp sender that is just to the upper left of the thermostat if you are looking down into your engine bay from the front of the X. Before I replaced the temp sender and everything was good(no wandering gauge) the needle would stay exactly where yours in staying now. When I took my temp sender out the thing looked like it was ready to be replaced.(factory piece, 111K on the X) Anyway, I would definately recommend replacing that sender so that you are sure that the gauge is definately reading correctly. :thumbsup: Also, if your truck has a lot of miles and still has the factory fan, look at replacing that as well, mine was cracked all around the base where it is bolted to the fan clutch. If the fan decides to desenegrate at an unoppertune time(say on the highway at 80mph :eek:) then that could lead to a major and very quick overheating problem. If you put in the 185 degree thermostat and the temp sender is reading correctly, then your gauge being where it is at could very well be correct. Mine, with the 198,temp sender,clutch and fan stays at the "R" and never goes below the "O" on the gauge. Hope this helps, and sorry about length, but as I said on my first post, I like to be thouough. :)

195-198 is the correct one. 180 is to low.

93TwotoneXLT said:
If the fan decides to desenegrate at an unoppertune time(say on the highway at 80mph :eek:) then that could lead to a major and very quick overheating problem.

Not meaning to be too picky, but as long as the disintegrating fan didn't damage anything else, its loss would not cause overheating at that speed. The water pump would continue to turn, and air forced over the radiator would cool the coolant inside.

Once you slowed below (I'm guessing) 40, however, the diminished airflow would allow coolant temperature to rise very quickly.

Loss of the fan belt (at any speed) would be a whole different story.

Msmith65, yeah, I was really tired when I wrote that post and you are right, it would not create a problem at highway speed, this is assuming that the fan doesn't take out the radiator, hoses, belt, etc. when it goes. As to the second part of your comment, if the belt decides to take a dive you actually won't have to worry about the engine overheating, because the X uses a serpentine system for the belt. You would lose all of your accessory power and just getting home would be an accomplishment in itself. You would have to have a really good battery to even make it 10 miles. :)

This is my first post to this forum, although I've been reading for awhile. I had been through three thermostats and since I've had my Explorer since 1994, the temp gauge always read low. In the last few years, it pretty much stayed below the normal range (on Cold) all the time. Thanks to this forum, I decided to replace the temp sender as described above, and for the first time ever, the temp gauge makes it all the way to ever-so-slightly to the left of the middle - about the "R" in "NORMAL" (BTW, the "Ford Factory Authorized Service Center" many years ago had told me I needed a new thermostat, gauge and sender and that it would be over $200 so I just "lived" with it reading low).

Still, I notice fluctuations....are they not normal for these cars? When idling for a while it goes up and then it drops a bit. I've seen this in other cars too. Also, it takes a good 12 minutes to completely "warm up". Normal - or not?

'92 Explorer XLT, Lapis Blue - "Dora"

Arcblue, don't worry about the gauge fluctuating a little, mine goes from between the "O" and "R" to between the "N" and "O" before it is completely warmed up. Since I replaced my temp sender the gauge works great, and you can actually watch the gauge to see when the thermostat opens for the first time when the engine is cold. It will go up to the between the "R" and "M" and when the T-stat opens will drop down to the "N", then as it warms up will slowly work its way to it's normal range. It's nice to know that your temp gauge is actually working correctly, isn't it. ;) :)

BTW: $200 for a gauge and sender, Ha Ha. I think I paid $8.00 for my sender. Some places just don't know how to run an honest business. :confused:


Did you buy a FORD Dealership Fan Clutch or did you get the reg. kind from AutoZone (or NAPA or whatever)?? And how about the plastic fan??? Temp sender???

Reason I asked is cause some folks have had "issues" with other that FORD parts. Just want to compare your experiance......as I'm thinking of doing mine.............IF I don't see that temp gauge move (currently reading extreme left/cold).

Aloha, Mark

OK I found your info posted on another thread:

I went to advance auto parts to buy the fan, mine had the cracking around the base of the clutch. I bought the premium fan they had after looking at it compared to the stock fan. Frankly, the advance fan(cannot remember the name brand) was superior is quality, plus the blades had a better angle to the ends to suck in more air. The clutch was bad too so I purchased a premium unit from napa, as I have had two other Ford's with bad clutches and the napa units have always performed perfectly. The T-stat was replaced too along with the temp sender when I did all this, and these came from autozone, mainly because it was convienant. They had a choice between a 195 or 198 so I went with the 198. No real reason for this other than the engine might be a little more effecient with a slightly higher running temp, just thought I would try it out(I thought that I could always put a 195 back in if it presented a prob) and the needle stays right between the "O" and "R" in NORMAL. If I am idling the truck for 10 minutes or so with the A/C on the gauge will slowly creep up between the "R" and "M", as soon as I start driving the fan clutch is engaged for a bit and the gauge goes right back down. All the parts, which include the clutch, fan, temp sender, and thermostat ran about $110. Hope this helps.

ma96782, I haven't had any probs whatsoever with my X since replacing the various parts. It has been about a month now since I did it so I think that I am out of the woods. I have always used Napa premium clutches in my Fords and have never had a problem with them myself. I definately think that using a motorcraft clutch is not a bad idea, but the Napa one is (in my opinion) just as good as the motorcraft one and quite a bit cheaper. :thumbsup:
